Friday, April 15, 2022

041522 Rise Again...

Jesus said to her, “I am the resurrection.

I am life.

Everyone who believes in me will have life,

even if they die.

John 11:25(ERV)


Very early Sunday morning, the women came to the tomb

where Jesus’ body was laid.

They brought the sweet-smelling spices they had prepared.

They saw that the heavy stone that covered the entrance

had been rolled away.

They went in, but they did not find the body of the Lord Jesus.

They did not understand this.

While they were wondering about it, two men in shining clothes

stood beside them.

The women were very afraid. They bowed down with their

faces to the ground.

The men said to them, “Why are you looking for a living person here?

This is a place for dead people.

Jesus is not here. He has risen from death.

Do you remember what he said in Galilee?

Luke 24:1-6 (ERV)


Praise be to the God and Father of our Lord Jesus Christ.

God has great mercy,

and because of his mercy he gave us a new life.

This new life brings us a living hope through

Jesus Christ’s resurrection from death.

1 Peter 1:3 (ERV)



Rise Again


Go ahead, drive the nails in my hands
Laugh at me where you stand.
Go ahead and say it isn't me,
The day will come when you will see.


'Cause I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down.
Oh yes, I'll rise again.
Death can't keep me in the ground.


Go ahead and mock my name,
My love for you is still the same.
Go ahead and bury me,
But very soon I will be free.


'Cause I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down.
Yes, I'll rise again.
Death can't keep me in the ground.


Go ahead and say I'm dead and gone,
You will see that you were wrong.
Go ahead, try to hide the Son,
But all will see that I'm the one.


Because I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can keep me back.
Yes, I'll rise again.
Come to take my people back.


And I'll rise again.
Ain't no power on earth can tie me down.
Yes, I'll rise again.
Death can't keep me in the ground.


Lyrics: and Music:
Copyright © Dallas Holmes



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