Saturday, April 30, 2022


‘Your faithfulness endures to

All generations;

You established the earth,

And it abides.

Psalm 119:90


Do just once what

Others say you can’t do,

And you will never pay

Attention to their

Limitations again.

- James R. Cook


The adventure of life is to learn.

The purpose of life is to grow.

The nature of life is to change.

The challenge of life is to overcome.

The essence of life is to care.

The opportunity of like is to serve.

The secret of life is to dare.

The spice of life is to befriend.

The beauty of life is to give.

- William Arthur Ward


Strength doesn’t come from

What you can do.

It comes from overcoming

The things you once thought

You couldn’t.

- Rikki Rogers



Friday, April 29, 2022

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Thursday, April 28, 2022


“For the Lord God is a sun

And shield;

The Lord will give grace and


No good thing will He


From those who walk


Psalm 84:11


The content of your character

Is your choice. Day by day,

What you choose, what you think

And what you do is who you become.

- Heraclitus


Don’t wait for something

Big to occur.

Start where you are,

With what you have,

And that will always lead

You into something greater.

- Mary Manin Morrissey


Inaction breeds doubt and fear.

Action breeds confidence and courage.

If you want to conquer fear,

Do not sit home and think about it.

Go out and get busy.

- Dale Carnegie






Wednesday, April 27, 2022


 “O Lord, open my lips,

And my mouth shall show

Forth Your praise.

Psalm 51:15


If you want the

Secondary greatness of

Recognized talent,

Focus first on

Primary greatness of


- Stephan R. Covey


Take a look at those

Two open hands of yours.

They are tools with which

To serve, make friends, and

Reach out for the best in life.

Open hands open the way to


Put them to work today.

- Wilfred A. Patterson


Before you act, listen.
Before you react, think.
Before you spend, earn.
Before you criticize, wait.
Before you pray, forgive.
Before you quit, try.

- William Arthur Ward




 Got Insurance?

Tuesday, April 26, 2022


“Depart from evil,

And do good;

And dwell forevermore.”

Psalm 37:27


Happy are those who dream

Dreams and are willing to pay

The price to make them come true.

- Leon Joseph Suenens


One day you will wake up

And there won’t be any more

Time to do the things you’ve

Always wanted. Do it now.

- Paulo Coelho


Every person has the power to make others happy.
Some do it simply by entering a room
others by leaving the room.
Some individuals leave trails of gloom;
others, trails of joy.
Some leave trails of hate and bitterness;
others, trails of love and harmony.
Some leave trails of cynicism and pessimism;
others trail of faith and optimism.
Some leave trails of criticism and resignation;
others trail of gratitude and hope.
What kind of trails do you leave?

- William Arthur Ward



Monday, April 25, 2022


“They shall speak of the glory

Of Your kingdom,

And talk of Your Power,

To make known to the sons of

Men His mighty acts,

And the glorious majesty of

His kingdom.”
Psalm 145:11, 12


The surest cure for loneliness,

The quickest way to happiness,

Is found in this, a simple creed…

Go serve someone in greater need.

- William Arthur Ward


Greatness is not found

In possessions, power,

Position or prestige.

It is discovered in

Goodness, humility,

Service & character.

- William Arthur Ward


It Can Be Done…
The ones who miss all the fun
Are those who say, “It can’t be done.”
In solemn pride they stand aloof
And greet each venture with reproof.
Had they the power they’d efface
The history of the human race.
We’d have no radio or motor cars,
No Street lit by electric stars;
No telegraph nor telephone,
We’d linger in the age of stone.
The world would sleep if things were run
By those who say, “It can’t be done.”
- Anonymous




Saturday, April 23, 2022


To one who has faith,

No explanation is necessary.

To one without faith,

No explanation is possible.

- Thomas Aquinas


God does not ask your

ability or your inability.

He asks only your


- Mary Kay Ash


Life is to live in such

A way that we are

Not afraid to die.

- Teresa of Avila



Celebrating my mother-in-law

Dixie Allison 75th Birthday


We all miss you so much!

- Hayden

Friday, April 22, 2022

042222 "So God Made a Farmer"


Yesterday afternoon as I began mowing our lawn on our property

in Lauderdale County AL my mind turns to thoughts of my two

farmer grandfathers.

I am posting Paul Harvey’s well know tribute to the farmer.

“So, God Made a Farmer” in loving memory and tribute to my

grand-fathers W.C. Mock and Woodrow Childs they were two

great American Farmers and everyone in the family misses them

so much. They instilled in their families a splendid work ethic and

a love for God and their fellow man.

My Grandpa Mock had a 930 Case Tractor, and My Grandpa Childs

had a 630 John Deere Tractor among other tractors they used through

the years in their farming in Missouri and Mississippi.

- Hayden Childs


Thursday, April 21, 2022


 “The nations raged,

The kingdoms were moved;

He uttered His voice,

The earth melted.

Psalm 46:6


Envy is like a disease…

It consumes the soul.

- Jewish Proverb


Always have faith

In yourself.

Always have faith

In God.

Never lose that.

- Drew Brees


It is impossible to enslave,

Mentally or socially,

A Bible-reading people.

The principles of the Bible

Are the groundwork of

Human freedom.

- Horace Greeley




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Wednesday, April 20, 2022


Great is the Lord,

And greatly

To be praised;

And His greatness

Is unsearchable.

Psalm 145:3


Great men are they who

See that spiritual is stronger

Than any material force;

That thoughts rule the world.

- Ralph Waldo Emerson


The person who has a firm trust

In the Supreme Being is powerful

In his power, wise by his wisdom,

Happy by his happiness.

- Joseph Addison


I believe in God, but I do believe

That everybody has something

That they worship…

Sometimes it’s materialistic things.

Sometimes people worship money.

Sometimes they worship power.

Everybody has something that they

Are willing to put above everything

Else. My personal belief is our

Priorities out to be our faith,

Our family, our profession.

- Coach Lou Holtz



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