Wednesday, September 16, 2020

091620 Pro Choice is Pro Death Part 1

 “These six things the Lord hates,

Yes, seven are an abomination to Him:

… Hands that shed innocent blood …”

(Proverbs 6:16-17)


(Part 1)

Have you ever wondered what became of all the “grave yards” that existed years ago? We don’t have them anymore. They’ve all become “memorial gardens.” The same thing has happened to “junk yards” and “garbage dumps,” they no longer exist. In their place has arisen “recycling facilities” and “land fills.” It’s so much easier to think about that which is morbid, gruesome, filthy and foul if we think of it in more pleasant terms. But a hog cooling off in a pond and eating supplement does not change the fact that it’s still wallowing in the sludge and eating slop. 

The political correctness of the day wants to speak of the systematic killing of human infants/babies while still in the womb (between the ages of one day through nine months) as “abortion.” In politics, the practice has been termed “pro-choice.” It seeks to hide the fact that what is involved is infanticide — the slaughter, killing, murder of innocent human beings by the millions! It is done in a variety ways using the most gruesome and inhumane methods imaginable. 

An expectant mother is considered to have the “right” to do with her body as she chooses, in this case, killing her child. What she fails to consider is that the baby is NOT her body! It is another living human being. The proponents of abortion call it “pro-choice.” This is done to make the practice more appealing and less appalling. Pro-choice sounds so much better than killing or murder. 

Pro-choice is the same as PRO-DEATH. It says that an expectant mother is free to choose to kill her unborn child or to let her baby boy or baby girl live. She has the option to kill her son or daughter just about any way imaginable. Some of the most horrific (grossly offensive to decency or morality) and dreadful (exceptionally bad or displeasing) means have been invented to take the child’s life. 

Since the baby is yet unborn, it’s out of sight (can’t been seen except via sonogram). And, being “out of sight,” it’s easier to put the baby “out of mind.” This is why Planned Parenthood and other baby killing operations fight desperately to prevent the child’s mother from seeing a sonogram of her baby and/or seeing pictures or descriptions of the procedure that will be used to take the child’s life. Seeing her child in her womb would more likely trigger her maternal and familial instinct and may cause her to not go through with the abortion. This would drastically cut into their profit-making machine and cause layoffs of employees, hurting the economy. Believe it or not, some argue this way. 

What are some of the procedures used to kill the baby in the safety and comfort of the womb? 

The most common method of killing the unborn is the suction procedure (aspiration) which literally rips apart its body and vacuums the pieces out to be discarded. 

There’s the D&C method (similar to the suction) that cuts the living infant into pieces with a sharp knife, which is then scraped out to be discarded. 

There is the D&E method which uses forceps to pull, twist and tear the flesh and bones into pieces. Usually the spine must be snapped and the skull crushed in order to remove them. 

There is the salt poisoning method which involves using a long needle to inject a salt solution into the fluid surrounding the baby. This method acts like a corrosive, eating away at the baby’s lungs and skin. It literally burns the baby alive and could take as long as an hour or more for the baby to die. In about 24 hours, labor sets in and the dead baby is delivered. There are some cases, however, in which the infant is delivered alive in what’s called a “botched abortion!” The child is usually left unattended to die suffering and alone. But, in some cases, the baby survives lives to be an adult, gets married and has children of their own. You can find many survivors of abortion telling their story on the internet. 

President Barack Obama, while an Illinois state senator, cast a “no vote” several times to bills that would protect born-alive infants which would treat them as humans and giving them protection under the law. His “spin” on it was that he did not want to erode Roe vs. Wade which granted a woman a right to an abortion (in other words, a constitutional right to kill her baby). 

The Prostaglandin Chemical abortion induces strong contractions which often crushes the infant, sometimes decapitating it, and then pushes it out dead or dying. 

There’s the Hysterotomy or Caesarean Section abortion. It is used mainly in the last three months of pregnancy. This method is practically the same as a Caesarean except the umbilical cord is cut inside the womb which cuts off the baby’s oxygen supply. The infant is then taken out and left to die of neglect and exposure. 

There’s the partial-birth abortion where the abortionist uses forceps, guided by ultrasound, to grab one of the baby’s legs and pulls it outside the mother’s body. He/she continues his work until the entire body of the baby, all except the head, is pulled outside the mother’s body. A pair of scissors is then jammed into the baby’s skull and a tube is inserted through which the baby’s brains are sucked out, collapsing the skull. The remainder of the dead infant’s body is then completely removed. In the mind of some, babies at this point are not yet human beings since they have not been completely born. Can you imagine anything more inhumane and outrageous than this? Neither can I. No wonder God said that all who follow the devil’s way will be tormented with him in eternity (Matthew 25:41).

- Anonymous



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