Thursday, September 10, 2020


 Let us remember that,

As much has been given us,

Much will be expected from us,

And that true homage comes

From the heart as well as from

The lips, and shows itself in deeds.

- Theodore Roosevelt


I’ve felt that if you dwell

Too much on your errors,

You’re dealing in the

Negativity of things.

I don’t like that.

I’d rather work on the

Positive reinforcement,

The things I did well.

- Hale Irwin


I made a resolve then that

I was going to amount to

Something if I could.

And no hours, nor amount of labor,

Nor amount of money would deter

Me from giving the best that there

Was in me.

And I have done that ever since,

And I win by it. I know.

- Colonel Harland Sanders 




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