Wednesday, September 30, 2020


Don’t look at the wall.

Your car goes where

your eyes go.

- Mario Andretti


Since you get more joy out of

giving joy to others,

you should put a good deal of

thought into the happiness

that you are able to give.

- Eleanor Roosevelt


Happiness doesn’t result from

what we get,

But from what we give.

- Ben Carson


Those who are happiest are

those who do the most for


- Booker T. Washington




Tuesday, September 29, 2020


Nothing happens until I make it happen.

- Scott Wilson 


A man's true wealth is the good

He does in this world.

- Bendixline


Nothing is so hard for those who abound

In riches as to conceive how others can

Be in want.

- Swift


No man can tell whether he is rich or poor

By turning to his ledger. 

It is the heart that makes a man rich.

He is rich according to what he is,

Not according to what he has.

- Beecher





The American Form Of Government

Monday, September 28, 2020

092820 One Warm Coat

As Winter Approaches, COVID-19 Creates Unprecedented Danger for Those in Need One Warm Coat

September 22, 2020

National Nonprofit One Warm Coat Launches Campaign to Keep All Americans Warm and Safe This Winter

SAN FRANCISCO – October 1, 2020 – Throughout the COVID-19 crisis, Americans have stepped up to help those in need by donating  to their local food banks and supporting local relief efforts.

Now, with winter approaching, national nonprofit One Warm Coat is kicking off a campaign to raise awareness about the danger cold weather will soon create for our most vulnerable neighbors.

October 1 is One Warm Coat Day — a day to educate Americans about the dangers associated with winter cold and encourage simple actions that can help save lives. To mark the event, One Warm Coat is encouraging everyone to register to hold a coat drive or make a donation.

“A coat may seem like a simple thing, but thousands of children and adults in communities across the country will need a warm, winter coat for the cold months ahead.” said Beth W. Amodio, One Warm Coat’s president and chief executive officer. “Shelter from the elements is a basic need, and One Warm Coat is working to collect and distribute coats across the U.S. to ensure that we can protect the health and well-being of as many people as possible.”

The need is especially great heading into the 2020-21 winter season. An estimated 30 million Americans are unemployed and more than 1 in 8 American households are living in poverty. In every corner of our country, families are at severe risk – and the need for warmer clothing, combined with increased utility costs, will make the winter months more challenging for those who were already struggling, before the pandemic began.

Children are particularly susceptible to the cold because their small bodies must work harder to maintain a safe core temperature. With many students now remaining home due to COVID-19, coats are more essential than ever. Children from low-income families often wear their coats inside their residences, where they may not have working utilities or proper insulation.

For adults, a coat can provide warmth as they commute to work, often by foot or on public transportation. For men and women living on the street, a warm coat can mean the difference between life and death.

Last year, One Warm Coat provided more than 500,000 coats to people in need. Because of the unique circumstances this year, it is urging Americans to help now before it turns cold.

Individuals, community groups, and businesses can support One Warm Coat’s efforts through its Coat Drive Program, which collects and distributes coats to children and adults in need in all 50 states. 

Hosting a coat drive is simple. One Warm Coat provides all of the resources necessary to register, promote, and manage your drive and partners with nonprofits in each community to ensure every coat that’s collected is delivered to someone in need. One Warm Coat is providing social distancing and safety tips to ensure everyone involved in the Coat Drive Program is safe.

One Warm Coat is also encouraging cash donations. Every $1 donated warms 1 person. To learn more, visit:

One Warm Coat Day Partnerships
In celebration of One Warm Coat Day, national retailer Lands’ End and The Weather Channel are kicking off an integrated campaign to spread warmth. Lands’ End customers will receive 50 percent off one outwear item when they bring in a new or gently worn coat from October 1 -November 1 (Limited one item per coat donation, up to three per customer). Tune in to The Weather Channel for more information and interviews with One Warm Coat President & CEO, Beth W. Amodio, on October 1.

“With the added challenges presented by COVID-19, the initiative to provide warm coats to those who need them is more important than ever,” said Nora Zimmett, EVP and Chief Content Officer at The Weather Channel television network. “We’re honored to team up with Lands’ End and One Warm Coat again to raise awareness for One Warm Coat Day and help keep people safe from winter’s brutal elements.”    

Corporate sponsorship opportunities are available for this fall and winter. Visit One Warm Coat’s website for more information.

About One Warm Coat
One Warm Coat is a national nonprofit organization that provides free coats to anyone in need, without discrimination, and works to create awareness of the vital need for warm coats across the country. Through the Coat Drive Program, One Warm Coat provides tools and resources to empower volunteer-led and sponsored coat drives to collect coats, and partners with nonprofit agencies and schools across all 50 states to distribute those coats to children and adults in need. One Warm Coat also encourages sustainability by working with manufacturers and retailers to match overstock and irregular coats with agencies and schools across the country, where they are most needed. Since 1992, One Warm Coat has facilitated the collection and distribution of more than 6.6 million coats. One Warm Coat believes in the basic right to protection from the cold, for everyone.



Saturday, September 26, 2020

Yea Alabama!


Process guarantees success …

A good process produces good results.

- Coach Nick Saban


I don’t think it’s about who you play,

I think it’s about who you are.

- Coach Nick Saban


What happened yesterday is history.

What happens tomorrow is a mystery.

What we do today makes a difference.

- Coach Nick Saban


Big Al is the lovable elephant mascot that debuted at the

1979 Sugar Bowl, when Alabama beat Penn State for the

 national championship.

The story of Big Al goes back to the 1930 season when

Coach Wallace Wade had assembled a great football team.

Sports writer Everett Strupper wrote...

“when those big brutes hit you, I mean you go down and stay

down, often for an additional two minutes.”

At the end of the quarter … according to reports …

the earth started to tremble, there was a distant rumble that

continued to grow and some excited fan in the stands yelled,

“Hold your horses, the elephants are coming.”





Friday, September 25, 2020

092520 Got Insurance?

Protecting Your Estate …

Why pay tax out of principal?

Either you create some cash to

Absorb the tax,

Or the tax may absorb your estate!

It isn’t a question of if you’ll pay the tax;

The only question is with whose money …

Yours or mine?

-         Ben Feldman


Why not create the cash to pay Uncle Sam

With Life Insurance …

Makes sense doesn’t it?


Hayden Childs, Agent

(205) 269-1382




Thursday, September 24, 2020

092420 One Warm Coat Day

We have an opportunity to help other have a warm coat this winter ...

One Warm Coat Day Is Next Thursday, October 1.

One Warm Coat Day is only 7 days away!

Every $1 donated warms 1 person! 

On One Warm Coat Day, all donations will be matched

(up to $12,500) and your impact will be doubled!


Today in honor of #OneWarmCoatDay, 

I’m teaming up with @OneWarmCoat to spread awareness

of the need for coats.

Because of the economic impact of the COVID-19 pandemic,

more children and adults will need coats this winter than ever before!

All donations made to One Warm Coat today will be doubled! 


to donate to now …

every $1 donated warms 1 person!
