Monday, October 29, 2018

Pa's Poem 102918

Why won’t this nagging feeling go away?
It feels like something is wrong
Though what; I can’t say.
I go over it and over it in my mind
To see what answer I can find
Everything is good, everything is great
But if that is the truth
Why do I feel this way?
I can’t figure it out
So off to bed I go
Never thinking the morning will bring me low

Morning comes but Fate doesn’t care
A noise I hear and then I realize…
This is what you hear when somebody dies.
Alarm bells scream in my brain
Things will never be the same
No one told me
I just knew.
How will I manage?
Without you?

Now you are gone
But I didn’t tell you bye
I should have known
And maybe I did
The last time I hugged you
The thought crossed my mind
Now all I want is to go back in time

I would give anything for a hug or a smile
Or just to sit and chat a while
Our time was cut short
I always assumed you’d see graduation,
And a wedding in June
I want you to be here for the milestones I’ll meet

I’ll always be looking to see your face
As I walk, diploma in hand across the stage,
Or down the aisle in the church, and in that
Hospital Waiting room
With a Welcome New Baby Balloon.

Though you’re gone, you’ll be there
For we’ve parted in distance,
But never in heart.

- Anonymous

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