Wednesday, October 10, 2018


Tim Tebow’s 10 Tips on Living Today to Its Fullest

1. “I always thought one day I’m going to have
These chances (tell his parents he loves them).
I don’t know if I’m going to have them anymore
(His dad is sick).  I want to make conscious
Choices and decisions to live those things every
Single day.”

2. “We don’t know if we’re going to have ‘one day.'”

3. “I don’t want to live a ‘one day’ life.  
I want to live a ‘this is the day’ life.”

4. “I didn’t want to put this on Instagram as a hashtag.  
I wanted to it to come from my heart and live it on

5. “I didn’t want my fear to be more than my faith.
I didn’t want fear to dictate my choices.  
I didn’t want the fear of what people are going to say
To make the choices and define my life.”

6. “I wanted to go after my dreams.”

7. “The fear of failure I believe cripples a lot of people.”

8. “Every day I get to wake up and live out a dream.”

9. “My greatest goal is to love God and love people.”

10. “The greatest form of love as a definition is to choose
The best interest of another person and act on their behalf.”

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