Sunday, September 09, 2018

090918 Keep the Faith

Keep the Faith

“What is faith?” I've often pondered.
It's like wind … it's there, but we can not see it.
Only through the eye of faith, we do not have to wonder.
In Hebrews chapter 11, we find Abraham, the father of the faithful and others beyond number.

The parable of the prodigal son is an example of one
That spent money on his friends until it was all gone.
Then he found himself in a pig pen all alone.
It was there the son remembered his father at home and his faith leads him home.

The prodigal son's brother was at home, but his faith was not very strong.
Jealousy caused him to not love his brother as he should.
He was just as lost as his brother when he was in the pig pen of sin.
Jealousy is something that to Heaven we must not take … it will keep us from entering in.

The rich man and the beggar is another story that we can tell.
The rich man did not care for the hungry and sick beggar, who lay at his door full of sores.
His riches made him feel too good to open the door.
In hell, he awakened, but it was too late.

As he saw Lazarus safe and secure in Abraham's bosom afar of,
His thirst was so great …then he needed Lazarus just a drop of water from his finger gives.
While on earth riches and power was the life he had lived now in hell his destiny was sealed.

He remembered his brothers who were lost at home …his faith had come too late.
He begged that someone teach them, an opportunity that he did not take.
If he could live his life all over again,
A different road he would be sure to take.

Faith in God and His work we must do, to teach others our whole life through.
We must “keep the faith” if to Heaven we go, and we must remember that we can not go alone.
We must be a good neighbor like the Good Samaritan,
Who taught us all an act of kindness that we must do.

- Linda Childs

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