Thursday, March 15, 2018


I say luck is when an opportunity comes
Along and you’re prepared for it.
- Denzel Washington

Your attitude is like a box of crayons
That colors your world.
Constantly color your picture gray,
And your picture will always be bleak.
Try adding some bright colors to the
Picture by including humor,
and your picture begins to lighten up.
- Allen Klein

This idea of Competitive Greatness and playing
The best isn’t about winning or losing.
It’s about your character.
Are you someone who wants your victories easy?
Quick and simple? 
Sports, politics, and business are littered with men
And women who didn’t have to work hard for their
Victories and struggled to maintain success.
It’s the rare exception that proves the rule.
I’m trying to teach my son this lesson right now. 
His teacher assigned him a reading challenge to
Read a certain number of books in a set amount of time. 
My goal is to help and challenge him to up the ante,
Tackling more challenging reading material so that
We benefit his mind as well as make the victory in
The end so much sweeter.
Look closely at your career and your business. 
Have you shied away from a tough road in favor of an
Easier path?
Maybe it’s time to toughen up and fight a good fight. 
Maybe you’ll take some lumps along the way,
And maybe you will fail, but the experience will hone
Your character and make you a better competitor.
Over time, if you persist, you’ll be on your personal
Path to Greatness!
- Don Yaeger

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