Saturday, March 31, 2018


The nearest way to glory …
A shortcut, as it were …
Is to strive to be what you
Wish to be thought to be.
- Socrates

The only limits in our life
Are those we impose on ourselves.
- Bob Proctor

It's amazing when you believe.
They (Loyola) have believed and
Believed and believed,
And it's awesome to see.
I just want to stare at them celebrating.
- Coach Porter Moser

Friday, March 30, 2018


Outstanding leaders go out of their way
To boost the self-esteem of their personnel.
If people believe in themselves,
It’s amazing what they can accomplish.
- Sam Walton

If you have more enemies than friends,
The odds are a thousand to one you
Have earned them.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Love many things, for therein lies the true strength,
And whosoever loves much performs much,
And can accomplish much,
And what is done in love is done well.
- Vincent van Gogh

Thursday, March 29, 2018


You can never cross the ocean until you
Have the courage to lose sight of the shore.
- Christopher Columbus

You gotta be a man to play baseball for a living,
But you gotta have a lot of little boy in you, too.
- Roy Campanella

Like most people who are great at things,
He (Chipper Jones) was just singularly driven.
This is what he was born and raised to do.
He says all the time, 'I would have done this or that.'
But I don't believe there was any alternative in his mind.
He dabbled in other things. He was a very good football
Player and a heck of a basketball player.
He was one of those athletes who was good at whatever
He did. But you could tell from the outset that [baseball]
Was what he was going to do, and nothing was getting
In his way.
- B.B. Abbott
Chipper Jones’ life-long friend and agent

Wednesday, March 28, 2018


Every day brings new choices.
- Martha Beck

If you want reality to be different than it is,
you might as well try to teach a cat to bark.
- Byron Katie

The important thing is not being afraid
To take a chance.
Remember, the greatest failure is to not try.
Once you find something you love to do,
Be the best at doing it.
- Debbi Fields

Monday, March 26, 2018


We cannot do everything at once,
But we can do something at once.
- Calvin Coolidge

Experience tells you what to do;
Confidence allows you to do it.
- Stan Smith

Our thoughts and imaginations are
The only real limits to our possibilities.
- Orison Swett Marden

Saturday, March 24, 2018


Life is a sum of all your choices.
- Albert Camus

Being a winner is never an accident;
Winning comes about by design,
Determination and positive action.
- Bob Proctor

Luck affects everything;
Let your hook always be cast.
In the stream where you least expect it,
There will be fish.
- Ovid

Friday, March 23, 2018


Distance does not decide who
Is your brother and who is not.
- Bono

Unless you try to do something
beyond what you have already mastered,
you will never grow.
- Ralph Waldo Emerson

This is life … It can't define you. 
You enjoyed the good times and
You gotta be able to take the bad times...
The consequences can be historic losses,
Tough losses, great wins,
And you have to deal with it. 
And that's the job.
- Coach Tony Bennett

Thursday, March 22, 2018


Winning is not everything,
But wanting to win is.
- Coach Vince Lombardi

Once you understand the type of energy that
It takes the type of effort and communication
It takes with your teammates, then it becomes
Fun when you're all on the same page.
- Coach Leonard Hamilton

He has a spirit about him, a smile,
His spirit starts moving us that way.
He was the one guy having fun.
The other guys on this team two months ago,
Everything was a struggle.  
This kid was just smiling and laughing,
And I kept bringing it up, be like him.
Shai had a few kinks to work out throughout the year.
After hours of film and early morning workouts,
He’s never been better.
What he was missing, any kind of skip, he couldn’t see it.
So you gotta keep showing him and you have to reward him.
Now you’re seeing him come down and throw skip passes,
But it took two months,
His patience and positive attitude has paid off.
He’s playing himself into being one of the best
Players in the country.
- Coach John Calipari 

Wednesday, March 21, 2018


My comment to the players after the game
(Buffalo) was the reason this has been the
Most rewarding season I've had in over 30,
Or however many I've done this, is because
Of what's happening for Wenyen,
What’s happening for Hami.
You saw what he is and what he's capable
Of today.
Let me say this, you may say that …
I was trying to learn about him and he was
Trying to learn about me.
We were trying to figure this out.
Everybody said, why are you starting him?
Because he deserves it, I love him,
And he's going to do it. It just took us a long time.
Wenyen, the same.
He had to conquer himself. When you're not playing
Well you have to kick out of it and go.
And Shai, I didn't really enjoy coaching Shai,
But he's a good kid, I guess (laughter).
- Coach John Calipari
Comments following the 95 -75 2nd Round
Victory over Buffalo at Boise, ID 31718

Tuesday, March 20, 2018


No man is ever whipped,
Until he quits …
In his own mind.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

If you want to get the best out of a person
You must look for the best that is in him.
- Bernard Haldane

The thing about giving feedback is that
You don’t do it all day, every day.
It’s got to be in small doses at the
Right moment.
- David Ross

Monday, March 19, 2018


It takes my team a year to really learn how
Important it is to use the entire day to prepare
For a game.
It's rewarding to see individuals do what
They’re doing. But it's also rewarding to get
Them to understand they need each other,
Because this is a team sport.
And I said this before, Pat Riley said to me,
One of the best compliments …
Your players are all good teammates in this league.
They come in this league and they understand.
They share.
As a team, the biggest thing is everyone is connected.
Everyone is for each other. And we still have a couple
Of guys that aren't quite the servant leaders that they
Need to be. Like I'm playing for everyone else.
Well, if I've got a whole team of guys doing that,
I'm not playing for me; I'm playing for everybody else,
That’s when this thing takes off.
We're getting closer, but that's probably the
One thing I hope.
- Coach John Calipari
Comments following the Kentucky 2nd round win
Over Buffalo in Boise, ID 31718

Saturday, March 17, 2018


I don’t count my sit-ups.
I only start counting when it starts hurting.
That is when I start counting,
Because then it really counts.
That’s what makes you a champion.
- Muhammad Ali

Any business whose management
Has the foresight to adopt a policy
Which consolidates management,
Employees and the public it serves
In a spirit of teamwork, provides itself
With an insurance policy against failure.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Excellence is not a singular act,
But a habit.
You are what you repeatedly do.
- Shaquille O'Neal

Friday, March 16, 2018


Nothing happens until a sale takes place.  
- Red Motley

If they like you,
And if they believe you,
And they trust you,
And they have confidence in you …
Then they MAY buy from you.
- Jeffrey Gitomer

To accomplish great things, we must not only act,
But also dream; not only plan, but also believe.
- Anatole France

Thursday, March 15, 2018


I say luck is when an opportunity comes
Along and you’re prepared for it.
- Denzel Washington

Your attitude is like a box of crayons
That colors your world.
Constantly color your picture gray,
And your picture will always be bleak.
Try adding some bright colors to the
Picture by including humor,
and your picture begins to lighten up.
- Allen Klein

This idea of Competitive Greatness and playing
The best isn’t about winning or losing.
It’s about your character.
Are you someone who wants your victories easy?
Quick and simple? 
Sports, politics, and business are littered with men
And women who didn’t have to work hard for their
Victories and struggled to maintain success.
It’s the rare exception that proves the rule.
I’m trying to teach my son this lesson right now. 
His teacher assigned him a reading challenge to
Read a certain number of books in a set amount of time. 
My goal is to help and challenge him to up the ante,
Tackling more challenging reading material so that
We benefit his mind as well as make the victory in
The end so much sweeter.
Look closely at your career and your business. 
Have you shied away from a tough road in favor of an
Easier path?
Maybe it’s time to toughen up and fight a good fight. 
Maybe you’ll take some lumps along the way,
And maybe you will fail, but the experience will hone
Your character and make you a better competitor.
Over time, if you persist, you’ll be on your personal
Path to Greatness!
- Don Yaeger

Wednesday, March 14, 2018


A wise man watches his faults
More closely than his virtues;
Fools reverse the order.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

Seek feedback actively.
Few of us can see the places in ourselves,
Or our work, that most need correction.
- Don Yaeger

How strange that,
Although we dwell within ourselves,
we seldom know what we truly want
or what we truly believe about important matters.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Tuesday, March 13, 2018


Dreams become reality when
We put our minds to it.
- Queen Latifah

The first step towards getting somewhere
Is to decide that you are not going to stay
Where you are.
- J. P. Morgan

One who gains strength by overcoming 
obstacles possesses the only strength 
which can overcome adversity.
- Albert Schweitzer

Monday, March 12, 2018


I like threes. I love dunks.
- Coach John Calipari

We don’t just play college basketball…
We ARE college basketball.
- Coach John Calipari

We do more than move the needle.
We are the needle. We are UK.
- Coach John Calipari

We got up 17, and then we gave up three
Threes to Schofield. Told them at halftime
It’s good because this is what's going to
Happen in the next tournament,
Something like this.
Now let's figure out what we're about.
And I said, and they're not done.
So they start the second half and make
Another run at us, and I've got to call a
Time-out right before the 16-minute mark,
And this team responded. They responded.
Every situation and experience is new to them,
So you don't really know what they're going to do,
And we need as many of these kinds of things as
We can going into next weekend.
So proud of them. Really proud of them.
How about Sacha? Look, P.J. and Sacha and
Even Quade … Quade did some good stuff today.
But Sacha just had to wait his turn,
And he was ready for it. Big play;
That stick back was huge.
- Coach John Calipari
Comments following the 77 – 72
SEC Tournament victory over the vols in St. Louis 31118

Sunday, March 11, 2018


Our thoughts and imaginations are the
Only real limits to our possibilities.
- Orison Swett Marden

TOMORROW is not a good time to start
Your dream life …
It’s full of empty promises.
- Bob Proctor

To the victor belong the responsibilities.
- Al Bernstein 

Saturday, March 10, 2018

A. B. (Happy) Chandler - "My Old Kentucky Home"

Kentucky Rain (With The Royal Philharmonic Orchestra) [Official Audio] (...

Keith Whitley - Kentucky Bluebird

How Are Things In Clay, Kentucky?


The secret of success is constancy to purpose.
- Benjamin Disraeli

We must have a theme, a goal,
A purpose in our lives.
If you don’t know where you’re aiming,
You don’t have a goal.
- Mary Kay Ash

No man or woman is an island.
To exist just for yourself is meaningless.
You can achieve the most satisfaction when
You feel related to some greater purpose in life,
Something greater than yourself.
- Denis Waitley