Wednesday, December 04, 2024

120424 Quotes From The Archives Plus...

Look around for a place

to sow a few seeds.

- Henry Van Dyke


Always think in terms

of what the other

Person wants.

- James Van Fleet


He who obtains has little.

He who scatters has much.

- Lao-Tzu


If your dream is a big dream,

and if you want your life to work

on the high level that you say you do,

There’s no way around doing the work

it takes to Get you there.

- Joyce Chapman


Few people take objectives seriously.

They put average effort into too many things,

Rather than superior thought and effort into

A few important things.

People who achieve the most are selective

as well as determined.

- Richard Koch


Good humor is a tonic for mind and body.

It is the best antidote for anxiety and


It is a business asset.

It attracts and keeps friends.

It lightens human burdens.

It is the direct route to Serenity and


- Grenville Kleiser


Whatever the mind of man can

conceive and believe,

It can achieve.

- W. Clement Stone


Remember that no one is ever rewarded

or promoted because of a bad disposition

and a negative mental attitude.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Selling is easy if you

work hard at it.

- Anonymous

Your chances of success in any

undertaking can always be measured

by your belief in yourself.

- Robert Collier


Winning is great, sure,

but if you are really going to do

something in life,

the secret is learning how to lose.

Nobody goes undefeated all the time.

If you can pick up after a crushing defeat,

And go on to win again,

you are going to be a Champion someday.

- Wilma Rudolph




During the Vietnam War,

Air Force Colonel George Hall was shot down

And captured in North Vietnam.

He was a prisoner of war for 7.5 years.

Even though he was barefoot and dressed in his

black prison uniform, shut up in a small cell,

he realized that through the power of his

imagination he had an amazing freedom.

He realized his attitude is everything about


He was able to leave his prison cell everyday

dressed in a Polo shirt and slacks.

He wore clean golf shoes.

He could feel the thick grass under his feet.

The Colonel played each hole of his favorite golf course,

starting with the first and ending with the eighteenth.

He studied each shot, measured each swing,

felt each blade of grass between his fingers as he

replaced every divot.

He played his golf every day in the theatre of his mind.

He noted the sand in each bunker, hit each shot,

sank each putt and strode on to the next hole…

all in his imagination.

Every day for 7.5 years he played a perfect game of golf

on his favorite golf course.

The Colonel realized that only he had the power to make a

choice between being resigned to his fate,

of fear and hopelessness, or he could replay his happiest

moments from the past,

taking his mind off solitary confinement and setting it

free upon a beautiful and famous golf course.

When he returned from his captivity,

in his first golf game he shot a 76-not a bad score for a

professional golfer,

but even more amazing for an amateur.

When he was asked how he had accomplished such a feat,

he said he never had more than 2 putts on a green during

the last 7.5 years.

All those years of playing perfect games in the theatre

of his mind,

had produced a near perfect performance on a very

challenging golf course!

It was his best round of golf ever.

Don't think about how tough you have it in life

think about how tough Colonel Hall had it for

7 1/2 years as a prisoner of war.

If you believe your attitude is everything

about everything in your sales career,

work on the little things you can do to

maintain a very positive attitude every selling day?


- Jim Meisenheimer



A Note from Hayden…


I just love Phil Wickham’s song…

The Jesus Way…


A Beautiful song with

a powerful message!


Will You Choose

The Jesus Way?


“And when I am lifted up from the earth,

I will attract all people toward Me.”

John 12:32






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