There is no greater agony
Than bearing an untold story
Inside you.
- Maya Angelou
Everything you do
and every decision
You make should be
from a place of good.
You should always be
striving to make
The world a better
- Les Brown
Often our most rewarding
Are staring us right in
the face
but for some reason we
focus on how hard things
how we fear
the unknown and what
would happen if we
- Joel Brown
You only live once,
But if you do it right,
Once is enough.
- Mae West
What The Bible Is…
I am the Bible,
God's wonderful library,
I am always, and above all,
the truth.
To the weary pilgrim,
I am a strong staff.
To the one who sits in darkness,
I am glorious light.
To those who stumble beneath
heavy burdens,
I am sweet rest.
To him who has lost his way,
I am a safeguard.
To those who are sick in sin,
I am healing strength and
To the discouraged,
I am a glad message of hope.
To those who are distressed
and tossed about by
The storms of life,
I am an anchor, sure and steadfast.
To those who search for salvation,
I reveal the Savior of the world.
- Anonymous
The American nation from its
first settlement at Jamestown
to this hour is based upon and
permeated by the principles of
the Bible.
- Justice David Joseph Brewer,
Supreme Court Justice
Edited by H.C.
That’s Who I Praise – Brandon Lake
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