Tuesday, March 08, 2022

030822 Tribute to our beloved dog Val...

Our special family friend

Better known as “man’s best friend”

Passed from this earth life between

2:00 am – 2:30 am this morning.


Valentina’s death was unexpected.

She barked an unusual shrill couple

Of barks to let us know something

Was not right.


She couldn’t get up and she was

Unresponsive. We believe

She had a heart attack.


She had a very good life and

She was loved and she gave us

So much joy and love.

Her tail wagged constantly!

Our Val will always be in

Our hearts!

- Hayden Childs


Dogs come into our lives

To teach us about love,

They depart to teach us

About loss.

A new dog never replaces

An old dog, it merely expands

The heart.

If you have loved many dogs

Your heart is very big

- Erica Jong


Dogs die. But dogs live, too.

Right up until they die, they live.

They live brave, beautiful lives.

They protect their families.

And love us.

And make our lives a little brighter.

And they don’t waste time being

Afraid of tomorrow.

- Dan Gemeinhart


A good dog never dies.

She always stays.

She walks besides you

On crisp autumn days

When frost is on the fields

And winter’s drawing near.

Her head is within our hand

In her old way.

- Mary Carolyn Davies

Edited by H.C.




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