Tuesday, March 29, 2022


We live in deeds,

Not years; in thoughts,

Not breaths; in feelings,

Not in figures on a dial.

We should count time

By heart throbs.

He most lives who thinks

Most, feels the noblest,

Acts the best.

- Aristotle


Once you’ve had

A wonderful dog,
a life without one
is a life diminished.

- Dean Koontz


Time can be an ally

Or an enemy.

What it becomes depends

Entirely upon you,

Your goals, and your

Determination to use

Every available minute.

- Zig Ziglar





Saturday, March 26, 2022


Whatever you do,

Make a difference.

Earn the right to

Look back at something

And say, 'I did that.'

- Michael Josephson


A wise coach reminded

Me recently,

Winning shows your

Character and Losing

Shows all your character.

- Michael Greller


If we learn from losing,

We become winners in

The end.

- Anonymous


People Only Change 3 Times

In Their Life…

(1) When they HURT enough

They HAVE to change.

(2) When they LEARN enough

They WANT to change.

(3) When they RECEIVE enough

Resources and support that

They are ABLE to change.

- John Maxwell



Friday, March 25, 2022


Basketball doesn’t

Build character,

It reveals it.

- James Naismith


Everyone should want

To excel in life.

You should never take

The desire to excel

Away from the human


- Coach Henry Iba -


If you laugh, you think

And you cry, that’s a

Full day.

That’s a heck of a day.

You do that seven days

A week, you’re going to

Have something special.

- Coach Jim Valvano  



Thursday, March 24, 2022

032422 9 Benefits of Whole Life Insurance...

(1) Provide for Loved Ones…


It’s the basic need everyone thinks about. You have a young family.

You are the major breadwinner. Something happens to you. How is

Your family supposed to make ends meet? It’s a form of protection.

Peace of mind.


(2) Key Man Insurance…


You and your partner own a business. It’s grown. Many employees

Depend on you. If something happens to your partner, it’s likely their

Spouse or family will inherit their share of the business. Cash would

Be a lot more useful to them. Life insurance on both partners can

Provide the cash to buy out heirs and keep the business intact.


(3) Emergency Loans…


Hopefully your client lives a long life. The whole life policy accumulates

Cash value, eventually growing to the full face value, or beyond. Many

Policies allow you to borrow money against the cash value.

You would pay interest.


(4) Funding Estate Taxes…


Your client owns a farm. It’s your major asset. It’s illiquid unless you

Sell off acreage. Your goal is to keep the farm intact, passing it to the

Next generation. A life insurance policy, while considered part of your

Estate can produce cash needed to pay estate taxes instead of selling



(5) Cash Value…


If times get tough, you need cash and you’ve run out of options, a

Whole life policy that has built cash value is an asset. You can turn it in

And receive cash, if necessary.


(6) Value as Collateral…


Your client needs to put up collateral for a loan. The lender wants

Financial instruments. In many cases, you can put up the policy and its

Cash value as collateral. You continue making payments on the policy.

The lender collects the death benefit if you die. The client is motivated

To pay back the loan quickly.


(7) Charitable Giving…


You want to do something special for your religious institution or school.

You might name them as a beneficiary on your life insurance policy.

You might give them the policy as a donation now, taking any tax

Deduction in accordance with the law.


(8) Meeting Obligations…


You are up there in years. You have grandchildren and great grand-

Children. You have promised you will take care of their college

education expenses, but that’s a long way off. Consider naming an

adult custodian and under the rules of the Uniform Transfers to 

Minors Act. When the Client (insured) passes away, the life insurance 

proceeds are held for the child’s benefit.


(9) Special Needs Child…


It’s a huge responsibility. You love them dearly. You can care for them

During your lifetime, but what happens when you pass away? This will

Take money. You will likely be setting up a Special Needs Trust to hold

Those funds. Consider naming the trust as your life insurance beneficiary.


Clients and prospects might consider life insurance as a traditional

Product designed for a very narrowly defined need.

Let them know it can help with many other problems.



- Bryce Sanders




Got Insurance?

Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382 






















We cannot become what

We need by remaining

What we are.

- John Maxwell


Concentration and mental

Toughness is the margins

Of victory.

- Bill Russell


Yours is not the less

Noble because no drum

Beats before you when

You go out into your

Daily battlefields,

And no crowds shout

About your coming when

You return from your

Daily victory or defeat.

- Robert Louis Stevenson 




Wednesday, March 23, 2022


The key is to keep company

Only with people who uplift you,
whose presence calls forth your


- Epictetus

You have to create your life.

You have to carve it,

Like a sculpture.

- William Shatner


The bond with a dog
is as lasting as the

Ties of this earth

Can ever be.

- Konrad Lorenz




Thursday, March 17, 2022

031722 Say it ain't so Freddie...


It has been a busy week for the Atlanta Braves

but somewhat bittersweet as the Freddie Freeman

era with the club is coming to an end. 

Freeman said his goodbye to the club in 

an Instagram post Wednesday afternoon. (3/16/22)

I don’t even know where to begin. 

For the past 15 years I got to be apart of your organization.

It was truly an honor. We went through the very highs

together and some lows but those lows are what made

last year so special. 

You watched me grow up from a baby faced kid to

marrying my love @chelseafreeman5 and seeing us bring

3 beautiful boys into this world. I’m so glad my family 

got to be apart of yours! 

To Snit, my coaches, teammates, training staff, clubhouse staff,

and everyone who made Turner Field and Truist Park so special

for my family and I over the years. 

Thank you from the bottom of my heart. It has been a blast to

have you cheer for me and I hope I was able to bring smiles to

a lot of your homes over the years. I gave everything I had day

in and day out and I hope you guys saw that as well.

Although our time has come to an end, I look forward to seeing

and playing in front of you all again. When that time comes,

I hope you remember all the wonderful memories we made

together. I love you Braves Country! Champions Forever! 


It is a classy goodbye from a classy player. 

Freeman wore the Braves uniform as well as any player before

him and he will always be known as one of the team’s all-time

greats. Unfortunately, baseball is a business and he and the

Braves are parting ways. If it had to end, overseeing a rebuild

that culminated in a World Series championship is a storybook

worthy end.



 A sad day in Braves Country!

This is one Braves fan who is very disappointed the Braves didn't come through

for their MVP... Back in the day would they have let Chipper Jones walk?

I think all Braves fans know the answer to that question.

Monday, March 14, 2022


You never achieve

Real success unless

You like what you

Are doing.

- Dale Carnegie


Remember, happiness

Doesn’t depend on who

You are or what you have;

It depends solely on what

You think.

- Dale Carnegie


You can't put

A limit on anything. 

The more you dream,

The farther you get.

- Michael Phelps




Tuesday, March 08, 2022

030822 Tribute to our beloved dog Val...

Our special family friend

Better known as “man’s best friend”

Passed from this earth life between

2:00 am – 2:30 am this morning.


Valentina’s death was unexpected.

She barked an unusual shrill couple

Of barks to let us know something

Was not right.


She couldn’t get up and she was

Unresponsive. We believe

She had a heart attack.


She had a very good life and

She was loved and she gave us

So much joy and love.

Her tail wagged constantly!

Our Val will always be in

Our hearts!

- Hayden Childs


Dogs come into our lives

To teach us about love,

They depart to teach us

About loss.

A new dog never replaces

An old dog, it merely expands

The heart.

If you have loved many dogs

Your heart is very big

- Erica Jong


Dogs die. But dogs live, too.

Right up until they die, they live.

They live brave, beautiful lives.

They protect their families.

And love us.

And make our lives a little brighter.

And they don’t waste time being

Afraid of tomorrow.

- Dan Gemeinhart


A good dog never dies.

She always stays.

She walks besides you

On crisp autumn days

When frost is on the fields

And winter’s drawing near.

Her head is within our hand

In her old way.

- Mary Carolyn Davies

Edited by H.C.




Monday, March 07, 2022


Life is like a coin.

You can spend it any

Way you wish, but you

Only spend it once.

- Lillian Dickson


All personal achievement

Starts in the mind of the


Your personal achievement

Starts in your mind.

The first step is to know

Exactly what your problem,

Goal or desire is.

- W. Clement Stone

I think everybody should

Take the attitude that we’re

Working to be a champion,

That we want to be a

Champion in everything we do.

Every choice, every decision,

Everything that we do every day,

We want to be a champion.

- Coach Nick Saban


Atlanta Braves Championship Trophy Tour 2022

Presented by Truist


Apr. 1st, 2022

5-8 pm CST

Tuscaloosa, AL

U. of A. Baseball Game

Sewell-Thomas Stadium

Ticket Requried


Apr. 3rd, 2022

2-5 pm CST

Birmingham, AL

CrossPlex/Bill Harris Arena






Saturday, March 05, 2022


People lose their capacity

To walk, run, travel, think,

And experience life.

I realize how important it

Is to use the time I have.

- Viggo Mortensen


What other people may find

In poetry or art museums,

I find in the flight of a good


- Arnold Palmer


Life's too short to wake

Up with regrets.

So love the people who

Treat you right, forgive

The ones who don't and

Believe that everything

Happens for a reason.

- Dr. Seuss





Friday, March 04, 2022


None of us knows what

Might happen even the

Next minute, yet still we

Go forward.

Because we trust.

Because we have Faith.

- Paulo Coelho


If you're doing your best,
you won't have any time

To worry about failure.

- H. Jackson Brown

If you wish to succeed in life,
make perseverance your

Bosom friend,
experience your wise counselor,
caution your elder brother,
and hope your guardian genius.

- Joseph Addison

Wednesday, March 02, 2022


Fame is a vapor,

Popularity an accident,

Riches take wings.

Only one thing endures,

And that is character.

- Horace Greeley


One of the strongest

Characteristics of genius

Is the power of lighting

Its own fire.

- John Foster


Inspect the neighborhood

Of thy life, every shelf,

Every nook of thy abode.

- John Paul Richter





Tuesday, March 01, 2022


In life, you get

What you put in.

Everything comes

Back around.

- Anonymous


If you don’t like

Something, change it.

If you can’t change it,

Change the way you

Think about it.

- Mary Engelbreit


Death is not the

Greatest loss in life;

The greatest loss is

What dies inside

While you’re still


- Norman Cousins