Friday, January 28, 2022

012822 Alabama Legislators face a decison on proliferation of gambling...



The Christian community in the great state of Alabama

Has the opportunity to take just such a stand for the right.


Brother Bob Johnson minister at the Aldridge Grove congregation

And former Alabama state legislator informed us at the Preacher’s

Luncheon at Double Springs, AL on Monday Jan. 24th of the upcoming

Probable vote on SB 310 in the upcoming special session in the 

Alabama House of Representatives in Montgomery, AL


“Governor Ivey has stated most recently that gambling is here so therefore we should bring

it out in the light of day, give them everything they want, and tax it.”

- Matt Clark

Via Rewarding Bad Actors: Why Alabama Should Not Cave to the Gambling Lobby

Alabama Policy Institute



Bill Sponsor: Del Marsh


Bill Summary:


Regular Session 2021


Gaming, legislative intent, definitions, provided, Alabama Gaming Commission powers

and duties, further provided, advisory board created to the commission, distribution of 

funds to the Gaming Trust Fund


This bill would implement the constitutional amendment proposed in SB214 of the 2021

Regular Session providing further for the powers and duties of the Alabama Gaming

Commission to supervise the conduct of the Alabama Education Lottery, bingo, 

charitable bingo and raffles, sports wagering, and casino-style games in the state

This bill would create an advisory board to the commission and would provide for the

personnel of the commission

This bill would also provide for the issuance and renewal of licenses issued by the 

commission to certain gaming facilities to operate casino-style games and sports wagering

and would further provide for the licensure process

This bill would further provide for the regulation of charitable bingo and raffles,

sports wagering, and casino-style games in the state

This bill would also provide for the distribution of gaming proceeds deposited into the

Gaming Trust Fund

Bill Votes


Chamber: Senate

Result: Passed



House version of comprehensive gaming bills include key variations from

Senate Offers significant funding for 'health care services'


By Jeff Poor


May 4, 2021

According to sources familiar with the legislation, the initial drafts of the legislation

and supporting documents appear to have originated from Gov. Kay Ivey’s office. 

Yellowhammer News has obtained copies of the legislation and supporting documentation

being considered by members of the Alabama House.

Highlights as follows:


The Senate bills provide for an Alabama Education Lottery Corporation established to

administer the lottery. In the Senate version of the legislation, three members are appointed

by the governor, one by the lieutenant governor, one by the president pro-tem of the

Alabama Senate, one by the Speaker of the Alabama House and one by the state’s 

attorney general.

Under the House proposal, all seven members are appointed by the governor “with the

advice and consent of the Senate.” The House version also establishes the Revenue 

Commissioner, Finance Director and State Treasurer as ex officio, non-voting members.

Each member under the Senate bill would serve a five-year term. However, under the

House version, the member “may be removed by the Governor for cause for certain

delineated conduct.”

Under the Senate’s bill, a lottery retail advisory board is appointed by members of the 

Alabama legislature. However, the House version of the bill eliminates the board.

Another significant difference between the House and Senate proposals is the legal age 

to be eligible to play the lottery in Alabama. Under the Senate, retailers are prohibited

from selling to those under 21. Under the House version, the age is 19.

Lottery proceeds under the Senate version are split evenly between the education trust

fund (70% allocated for K-12 education and 30% for higher education) and a post secondary

scholarship fund. The House bill shifts the funds completely to scholarship with varying

ranges of eligibility for recipients.


Similar to the Lottery Corporation, the Senate effort creates the Alabama Gaming 

Commission, which includes two appointments from the governor, one from the House

Speaker, one from the House Minority Leader, one from the Senate President Pro-Tem, 

one from the Senate Minority Leader and one by the lieutenant governor. However,

the House version allows for the appointment of those seven members solely by the

governor, with input from leadership within the Alabama legislature, who would submit


Under the Senate bill, a gaming advisory board is created with appointments to the

board made by different members of the state government, ranging from the governor 

to the director of the Alabama Department of Tourism. However, in the House bill,

there is no Alabama Gaming Commission Advisory Board.

Casino locations:

Under the Senate proposal, casino licenses would be offered for locations that would

include Jefferson County, Macon County, Mobile County, Greene County, 

Houston County and a location in either Jackson or DeKalb Counties and be bid upon

in a quasi-competitive process.

Sports wagering:

A 20% tax is levied on sports wagering proceeds in the Senate version. The House bill 

ups that total to 23%.

Compact with the Poarch Band of Creek Indians:

The Senate bill requires the governor to negotiate a compact for the operation of casino

gaming on tribal land. However, the House version softens the language to say the

governor “may negotiate.”


 "Through Your precepts I get understanding;
Therefore I hate every false way."

(Psalm 119:104)


And why not say,

 “Let us do evil that good may come”?

— as we are slanderously reported and as

some affirm that we say. Their [a]condemnation is just.

(a) Lit. judgment

 (Romans 3:8)


“America will never be able to reach its

Highest and best when virtues such as

Character, hard work, and productivity

Are replaced with vices that rely solely

On chance.”

- John Ashcroft


"It’s all about money. It’s all about personal gain.

It’s all about covetousness, or greed, or wanting

Something for nothing or something for very little.”

We've got enough problems in this community

From gambling [and] folks that are addicted to

Gambling. Folks that use crime to pay off gambling

Debts and other things like that.”

- David Hamilton, Minister

Franklin KY Church of Christ


Bad men need nothing more to compass their ends,

Than that good men should look on and do nothing.

- John Stuart Mill


What Can We Do?




…. “The effective, [b]fervent prayer of a righteous man avails much.”


(b) Supplication


(James 5:16)


Contact Your Representative


Alabama Legislature
11 South Union Street
Montgomery, AL 36130
House Information:  

(334) 261-0500

Call M – F 8:00 am – 4:30 pm 


Link to find your Elected Officials


Related Links for further study…




National Gambling Impact Study Commission






GAMBLING: Is it worth it?
Gambling Increases Homelessness
Gambling Increases Bankruptcy
Gambling Increases Suicide
Gambling Increases Divorce
Gambling Increases Addiction
Gambling Increases Crime


This material was compiled by

Hayden Childs

(205) 269-1382



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