Wednesday, September 29, 2021


We rise by lifting others.

- Robert Ingersoll


Don’t hurry. Don’t worry,

Do your best, and leave the rest

- Anonymous


No act of kindness

Not matter how small

Is ever wasted.

- Aesop




Tuesday, September 28, 2021

092821 The Sifting...

Sifting through the rubble of my life
Just really trying to see.
The beginning of my origin
Why and who created me.

The reflections of my memories
Towering over what was left of me.
Yet how intimate my memories
Of the inspiration I use to be.

Sifting, I remembered joy and confidence
Sifting, I remembered success and pride.
But then I heard the groaning
Of the fright from deep inside.

I labored hard and patient
Alerting anxiously in distress and pain.
If I could only give back lives
Is what I wished to gain.

This was mot my expectancy
To become a burial ground.
I fought against my destiny
Though I felt my poise going down.

Lady Liberty dropped a tear
As Manhattan bowed her head.
The world watched as I collapsed
But consciously I am not dead.

I know it’s not my fault
That my beauty stood so tall.
But because of spiritual diversities
Enemies sought my dignity to fall.

I held up my statue wounded
Hoping others could escape.
For I knew then my destiny
I felt my deadly fate.

I am innocent I tell you
No compassion the enemy shown.
For this there will be more sufferings
They will reap what they have sown.

I sifted through my memory
To see if I'd done my best.
To show the spirit of a true American
Then I surrendered to my final rest.

- Cecilia Weir

(Dedication honoring the TWIN TOWERS

That was so violently destroyed

September 11, 2001)

Cecilia Weir received special recognition

From the Mayor of New York City

And The President of The United States

of America for  'The Sifting'





Monday, September 27, 2021


"Opportunity knocks at

The strangest times;

It’s not the time that

Matters but how you

Answer the door."

- Steve Gray


“Some say opportunity

Knocks only once,

That is not true.

Opportunity knocks all

The time,

But you have to be ready

For it.

If the chance comes,

You must have the

Equipment to take

Advantage of it.”

- Louis L'Amour


“What is opportunity,

And when does it knock?

It never knocks.

You can wait a

Whole lifetime,

Listening, hoping,

And you will hear

No knocking.

None at all.

You are opportunity,

And you must knock

On the door leading

To your destiny.

You prepare yourself

To recognize opportunity,

To pursue and seize

Opportunity as you

Develop the strength

Of your personality,

And build a self-image

With which you are able

To live / with your

Self-respect alive and


- Maxwell Maltz





Saturday, September 25, 2021


“The formula for success is

Every guy can make a difference

For the entire team in whatever

His role is.

And to do it right, to get it right,

Is a critical factor in being successful.”

- Coach Nick Saban


“Do Your Job”

- Coach Nick Saban


"Thinking about anything

Other than what we have to

Do to prepare to play the

Next game,

To minimize our errors and

Maximize our performance

Is out of the question.”

- Coach Nick Saban



Friday, September 24, 2021

092421 "If I Can Dream"...

There are some songs that just move

You in a special way in your life.

Lee Greenwood’s “God Bless The U.S.A”

Allan Jackson’s “Where Were You When the World Stop Turning?’

Alabama’s “That’s how I was raised”

and last but not least Elvis Presley’s “If I Can Dream”


I want to share with you the back story on how Elvis Presley

Came to sing “If I Can Dream” as the finale on his comeback

Special aired in December 1968 on NBC.


I just learned in the last few days how Elvis came to sing this song

In tribute to Martin Luther King, Jr.

Originally Elvis was scheduled to sing “I’ll be Home for Christmas”

A plan enthusiastically endorsed by Elvis’ manager Colonel Tom Parker.


However, in light of the assassinations of M.L.K. Jr. and Bobby Kennedy.

Elvis had a change of heart, he wanted to conclude with a song that

Reflected his deep sadness at the racial and political strife dividing

This country.


The director agreed…

“I wanted to let the world know that here was a guy, (Elvis Presley)

Who was not prejudiced, who was raised in the heart of prejudice,

But was really above all that.”

- Steve Binder “Comeback Special” Director


Binder and Elvis were able to outmaneuver Parker, and for once Elvis

Got to sing what he wanted to sing.

The Comeback Special closes… unforgettably…with “If I Can Dream,”


Edited by H.C.


‘If I Can Dream’

There must be lights burning brighter somewhere

Got to be birds flying higher in a sky more blue

If I can dream of a better land

Where all my brothers walk hand in hand

Tell me why, oh why, oh why can’t my dream come true

Oh why

There must be peace and understanding sometime

Strong winds of promise that will blow away the doubt and fear

If I can dream of a warmer sun

Where hope keeps shining on everyone

Tell me why, oh why, oh why won’t that sun appear

We’re lost in a cloud

With too much rain

We’re trapped in a world

That’s troubled with pain

But as long as a man

Has the strength to dream

He can redeem his soul and fly

Deep in my heart there’s a trembling question

Still I am sure that the answer gonna come somehow

Out there in the dark, there’s a beckoning candle

And while I can think, while I can talk

While I can stand, while I can walk

While I can dream, please let my dream

Come true, right now

Let it come true right now

Oh yeah…


Songwriter: Earl Brown

If I Can Dream lyrics © Raleigh Music Publishing


 Here is the link to Elvis performing "If I Can Dream"




Martin and Elvis’s dream would come true

If everyone in the world would practice the following

Passages of scripture from the Holy Bible

In their personal lives…

“Teacher, which is the great commandment in the law?”

Jesus said to him, “You shall love the Lord your God

With all your heart, with all your soul, and with all

Your mind.”

“This is the first and great commandment.

“And the second is like it: ‘You shall love your

Neighbor and yourself.’

“On these two commandments hang all the

Law and the Prophets.”

(Matthew 22:36-40)




Thursday, September 23, 2021


Give someone some happiness,

It will make you smile.

- Cecelia Weir


The work an unknown

Good man has done is

Like a vein of water

Flowing hidden underground,

Secretly making the ground green.

- Thomas Carlyle


I took it to heart

That in order to be

A good person,

You never said

Anything mean

About anybody.

- Carly Simon


Tuesday, September 21, 2021

092121 Our Greatest Need...

Our Greatest Need…

If our greatest need had been information,

God would have sent us an educator.

If our greatest need had been technology,

God would have sent us a scientist.
If our greatest need had been money,

God would have sent us an economist.
If our greatest need had been pleasure,

God would have sent us an entertainer.
But our greatest need was forgiveness,

So God sent us a Savior.

 - Charles Sell



“And she will bring forth a Son,

And you shall call His name Jesus,

For He will save His people from

Their sins”

Matthew 1:21


The next day John saw Jesus coming toward him,

And said, “Behold! The Lamb of God who takes

Away the sin of the world!”

John 1:29


“For the Son of Man has come

To seek and to save that which

Was lost.”

Luke 19:10




Monday, September 20, 2021


Start going the extra mile

And opportunity will follow you.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


I don't think anything

Is unrealistic if you

Believe you can do it.

- Coach Mike Ditka


To find what you seek

In the road of life,

The best proverb of all is

That which says…

Leave no stone unturned.

- Edward Bulwer Lytton






Friday, September 17, 2021

091721 Save the Date for One Warm Coat Day 2021...

In helping others,

We shall help ourselves,

For whatever good we give out

Completes the circle and comes

Back to us.

- Flora Edwards


It's not how much we give

But how much love we put

Into giving.

- Mother Teresa


What you keep to

Yourself you lose,

What you give away,

You keep forever.

- Axel Munthe


One Warm Coat Day is in three weeks on

Thursday, October 7, 2021!

One Warm Coat Day is the official kickoff of coat drive

season and a day of awareness, activation, and support.  

You can get involved by registering to hold a coat drive

spreading the word about the need for warmth on

social media, and making a financial donation 

and encouraging others to donate, as well. 

Every $1 donated warms 1 person, and on 10/7

all donations up to $15,000 will be doubled!


Save the date and stay tuned for more information


The mission of One Warm Coat is to provide free coats to children

and adults in need while promoting volunteerism and environmental


Since 1992, we have worked with our volunteers to host more than

40,000 coat drives and have given away 6.9 million coats across

the United States.

One Warm Coat is a United States based 

501(c)(3) nonprofit organization, EIN 74-3045243.



Thursday, September 16, 2021


You’ll never find

Peace of mind until

You listen to your heart.

- George Michael


The life of inner peace being

Harmonious and without stress,

Is the easiest type of existence.

- Norman Vincent Peale


Never be in a hurry;

Do everything quietly

And in a calm spirit.

Do not lose your inner peace

For anything whatsoever,

Even if your whole world

Seems upset.

- Francis de Sales



Tuesday, September 14, 2021


All men desire peace;

Few desire the things

Which make for peace.

- Thomas A. Kempis


The Peace within

Becomes the harmony


- Anonymous


If you cannot find peace

Within yourself,

You will never find it

Anywhere else.

- Marvin Gaye





Friday, September 10, 2021


While I am flattered about the speculation

Of being enticed out of retirement,

I’m happy with life as a bad golfer!

- Chipper Jones


I never thought home runs were all that exciting.

I still think the triple is the most exciting thing

In baseball. To me, a triple is like a guy taking

The ball on his 1-yard line and running 99

For a touchdown.

- Hank Aaron


There are four ways for a catcher to have a good day …
He can call a great game for his pitcher
He can throw runners out
He can block home plate
He can get some hits
Of course, they only matter if you win!

- Johnny Bench








Thursday, September 09, 2021

090921 Those Dying From Covid-19 Are Least Likely to Own Life Insurance...

Many companies have sharply reduced estimates of their

exposure, as measured by payouts per 100,000 U.S. fatalities


As the number of U.S. corona virus deaths surpasses 200,000,

public-health experts point to a series of missteps and

miscalculations in the country's response.

Here’s a look back at how the U.S. became the center of the

global pandemic.


Sept. 28, 2020 5:30 am ET 


U.S. life insurers are paying out far fewer Covid-19 death claims

than initially expected, largely because the virus is disproportionately

killing people with little to no insurance.

In the past few weeks, many life-insurance companies have sharply

reduced estimates of their exposure, as measured by payouts per

100,000 U.S. Covid-19 fatalities. Estimates have come down by an

average of 40% to 50%, according to Credit Suisse stock analyst

Andrew Kligerman.


Driving the rapid reduction in exposure are two groups…

older Americans and minorities.

Older people often have smaller policies than people who are still in

The workforce. The latter typically buy policies to protect spouses

And children against the loss of a breadwinner’s income, aiming to

cover home mortgages and fund college tuition. Based on data

through mid-September, the federal Centers for Disease Control

and Prevention calculates that approximately four-fifths of U.S.

deaths involving Covid-19 have been of people at least 65 years old.

Its current total shows just over 200,000 total U.S. deaths.


Sept. 28, 2020 5:30 am ET


Watch Kelly Rowland Life Happens Spokesperson for 2021 at this link

The Grief is bad enough,

Don't leave the burden

To your family!




Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



We all need each other.
- Leo Buscaglia


The easiest thing to be

In the world is you.
The most difficult thing

To be is what other people

Want you to be.
Don't let them put you in

That position.
- Leo Buscaglia


If we wish to free ourselves

From enslavement,
we must choose freedom and

The responsibility this entails.
- Leo Buscaglia



Wednesday, September 08, 2021


You are searching for the magic key

That will unlock the door to the

Source of power; and yet you have

The key in your own hands,

And you may use it the moment you

Learn to control your thoughts.

- Napoleon Hill


It is one of the most beautiful

Compensations of life,

That no man can sincerely try

To help another without helping


- Lao Tzu


If you do the things you need to do

When you need to do them,

Then someday you can do the things

You want to do when you want to do


- Zig Ziglar