Saturday, June 26, 2021

062621 The Wisdom of Earl Nightingale...

The best day, today;

The best play, work;

The greatest puzzle, life;

The greatest thought, God;

The greatest mystery, death;

The best work, work you like;

The greatest mistake, giving up;

The most ridiculous asset, pride;

The greatest need, common sense;

The most dangerous person, a liar;

The best town, where you succeed;

The most expensive indulgence, hate;

The greatest invention of the devil, war;

The most disagreeable person, the complainer;

The greatest secret of production, saving waste;

The best teacher, one who makes you want to learn;

The biggest fool, the boy who will not go to school;

The greatest deceiver, the one who deceives himself;

The worst bankrupt, the soul who has lost enthusiasm;

The cheapest, easiest and most stupid thing to do, finding fault;

The cleverest man, the one who always does what he thinks is right;

The greatest bore, one who keeps talking after he has made his point;

The greatest comfort, the knowledge that you have done your work well;

The most agreeable companion, the one that would not have you any 

different than you are;

The meanest feeling of which any human being is capable, feeling 

envious of an other's success;

The greatest thing, bar none, in the world, love…love for family, home, 

friends, neighbors and for the and in which we enjoy our freedom.


- Earl Nightingale





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