Wednesday, June 09, 2021


Valuing people is foundational

To changing your world.

- John Maxwell


“Do Your Job”

Do Your Job is a core belief in the

Belichickian program…

It’s hard to do your job if you don’t

Know what your job is.

Belichick defines what your job is.

- Mike Lombardi


The guys I feel like have been the biggest

Mentors to me that would be Bill Belichick…

Everyone I coached for I learned a lot of

Lessons about not only coaching but the kind

Of person you want to be, the kind of leader

You want to be, the kind of example you want

To set, be someone that other people can

Emulate, care enough about someone else to

Teach for their benefit.  All those things I

Learned I learned from someone else.

- Coach Nick Saban



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