Wednesday, June 30, 2021


Where there is unity

There is always victory.

- Publilius Syrus


Accept the challenges

So that you can feel

The exhilaration of victory.

-George S. Patton


Perseverance is also key

To success in any endeavor,

But without perseverance in combat,

(Your job, on the hardwood, or gridiron,

Or diamond) there can be no victory.

- Jocko Willink

Got Insurance? 


Tuesday, June 29, 2021


Either you run the day

Or the day runs you.
- Jim Rohn


The man who has no goal

Who doesn't know where he's going,

And whose thoughts must therefore

Be thoughts of confusion and anxiety

And fear and worry...

Becomes what he thinks about.

- Earl Nightingale


Each day try to find some way

In which your work can be improved.

- Earl Nightingale 



Saturday, June 26, 2021

062621 The Wisdom of Earl Nightingale...

The best day, today;

The best play, work;

The greatest puzzle, life;

The greatest thought, God;

The greatest mystery, death;

The best work, work you like;

The greatest mistake, giving up;

The most ridiculous asset, pride;

The greatest need, common sense;

The most dangerous person, a liar;

The best town, where you succeed;

The most expensive indulgence, hate;

The greatest invention of the devil, war;

The most disagreeable person, the complainer;

The greatest secret of production, saving waste;

The best teacher, one who makes you want to learn;

The biggest fool, the boy who will not go to school;

The greatest deceiver, the one who deceives himself;

The worst bankrupt, the soul who has lost enthusiasm;

The cheapest, easiest and most stupid thing to do, finding fault;

The cleverest man, the one who always does what he thinks is right;

The greatest bore, one who keeps talking after he has made his point;

The greatest comfort, the knowledge that you have done your work well;

The most agreeable companion, the one that would not have you any 

different than you are;

The meanest feeling of which any human being is capable, feeling 

envious of an other's success;

The greatest thing, bar none, in the world, love…love for family, home, 

friends, neighbors and for the and in which we enjoy our freedom.


- Earl Nightingale





Wednesday, June 23, 2021


An infant is born with a clenched fist.

a man dies with an open hand.

Life has a way of prying free the things

we think are so important.

- Anonymous 


One can pay back the loan of gold,

but one dies forever in debt to

those who are kind.
- Malayan Proverb

Every evening, write down the six most

important things that you must do the

next day.

Then while you sleep your subconscious

will work on the best ways for you to

accomplish them.

Your next day will go much more smoothly.

- Tom Hopkins


Tuesday, June 22, 2021


It's time to start living

The life you've imagined.
- Henry James


You cannot add to the peace

And good will of the world if

You fail to create an atmosphere

Of harmony and love right where

You live and work.
- Thomas Dreier

Adversity has the effect of

Eliciting talents which,

In prosperous circumstances,

Would have lain dormant.
- Horace


Monday, June 21, 2021


Smile and the world

Smiles with you.
- Anonymous

Only put off until

Tomorrow what you

Are willing to die

Having left undone.

- Pablo Picasso


There are a lot of books

Written on success.

There are not a lot of books

Written about how to

Stay successful.

It’s about consistency.

- Coach Nick Saban



Thursday, June 17, 2021


The two things in life you

Are in total control over

Are your attitude and your


- Billy Cox


For a long time, I was all about winning

And putting trophies on my mantle that

Said, ‘You’re a champion!’

But guess what?

I have all the champions I need right

Here in my house with my wife and

Two kids. As long as I communicate

With my wife and my team,

I am able to stay on the right path.

- Bubba Watson


I've failed many times in my life and

Career and because of this I've learned

A lot.

Instead of feeling defeated countless times,

I've used it as fuel to drive me to work harder.

So today, join me in accepting our failures.

Let's use them to motivate us to work even


- Phil Mickelson



Wednesday, June 16, 2021

061621 “Cameron Mills reminds business leaders they are role models”

“Cameron Mills reminds business leaders they are role models”

Children are influenced the most by watching adults’ actions … 

“You have influence whether you want to or not.” 

He described an old, typewritten poem that hung over a door

leading into the old UK men’s basketball locker room, 

along with other inspirational posters tacked to the walls. 

The page was in an old frame, “It was nothing impressive,”

except for the words themselves …

- Cameron Mills (1994 -1998)


(Comments excerpted from a speech delivered at 

Danville-Boyle County, KY Chamber of Commerce

Luncheon Jan. 2018)


Here's a great reminder that your

Attitudes and actions set an example for many…


Little Eyes upon You...


There are little eyes upon you

And they're watching night and day.

There are little ears that quickly

Take in every word you say.


There are little hands all eager

To do anything you do;

And a little boy who's dreaming

Of the day he'll be like you.


You're the little fellow's idol,

You’re the wisest of the wise.

In his little mind about you

No suspicions ever rise.


He believes in you devoutly,

Holds all you say and do;

He will say and do, in your way

When he's grown up just like you.


There's a wide-eyed little fellow

Who believes you're always right;

And his eyes are always opened,

And he watches day and night.


You are setting an example

Every day in all you do;

For the little boy whose waiting

To grow up to be just like you.


- Anonymous



Tuesday, June 15, 2021


A person is only as big

As the dream they dare

To live.
- Anonymous

It is good to dream,

But it is better to dream

And work.

Faith is mighty,

But action with faith is

- Thomas Robert Gaines


Those who love deeply

Never grow old;

They may die of old age,

But they die young.   
- A.W. Pinero 




Sunday, June 13, 2021


“For the message of the cross

Is foolishness to those who are

Perishing, but to us who are

Being saved it is the power

Of God.” (1 Cor.1:18)


The gospel will rescue you from sin

Give you peace of mind now

Fill you with hope for the future.

- Anonymous






Saturday, June 12, 2021


So, then, to every man his chance…

To every man, regardless of his birth,

His shining golden opportunity…

To every man his right to live, to work,

To be himself, to become whatever his

Manhood and his vision can combine

To make him…

This, seeker, is the promise of America.
- Thomas Wolfe


In the final analysis there is no solution

To man's progress but the day's honest work,

The day's honest decisions, the day's generous
utterances and the day's good deed.
- Clare Booth Luce

Two roads diverged in a wood,

And I… I took the one less traveled by,

And that has made all the difference.
- Robert Frost 




Friday, June 11, 2021

0611 21 quotes

We are created to

Make a difference.

- John Maxwell


If a goal is worth pursuing,

It’s a goal worth telling others about.

There’s no such thing as a silent dream.

- John Maxwell


Champions Don’t Waste Failure…

If you don’t waste a failing you (will)

Learn from the mistakes that you made

So you have a chance to improve and

Face the next challenge.

You never want to waste a failing.

- Coach Nick Saban




Thursday, June 10, 2021


Every right implies a responsibility;

Every opportunity, an obligation,

Every possession, a duty.

- John D. Rockefeller


A big part of financial freedom

Is having your heart and mind

Free from worry about the

What-ifs of life.

- Suze Orman


Our business is about technology,

Yes. But it’s also about operations

And customer relationships.

- Michael Dell



Wednesday, June 09, 2021


Valuing people is foundational

To changing your world.

- John Maxwell


“Do Your Job”

Do Your Job is a core belief in the

Belichickian program…

It’s hard to do your job if you don’t

Know what your job is.

Belichick defines what your job is.

- Mike Lombardi


The guys I feel like have been the biggest

Mentors to me that would be Bill Belichick…

Everyone I coached for I learned a lot of

Lessons about not only coaching but the kind

Of person you want to be, the kind of leader

You want to be, the kind of example you want

To set, be someone that other people can

Emulate, care enough about someone else to

Teach for their benefit.  All those things I

Learned I learned from someone else.

- Coach Nick Saban



Tuesday, June 08, 2021


All dreams can come true…

If we have the courage to

Pursue them.

- Walt Disney


We’re all working together,

That’s the secret.

- Sam Walton


If you work just for money,

You’ll never make it,

But if you love what you're

Doing and you always put

The customer first,

Success will be yours.

- Ray Kroc


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Monday, June 07, 2021


Don't learn to do,

but learn in doing.

- Samuel Butler


No one can succeed and

remain successful without

the friendly cooperation of others. 

- Samuel Butler


We tend to forget that happiness

doesn't come as a result of getting

something we don't have,
but rather of recognizing and

appreciating what we do have.
- Frederick Koenig 



Friday, June 04, 2021


How very little can

Be done under the

Spirit of fear.

- Florence Nightingale


If you wish “acquaintanceship,”

Be rich. If you wish friends,

Be a friend.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


In my career I will always make decisions

On the people, if you look at the totality

Of your career, you are going to have a

Bunch of aspects to it…

What you're paid, what you are working on,

What your title is, what the quality of the

Work is, all of these things.

But, what are the people like?

That is the most important.

- Jessica Gelman

Babe Ruth ended his career with the 1935 Boston Braves.


Wednesday, June 02, 2021



Write them down;

Hang them up;

And with God’s help,

Watch them happen!

- Anonymous


A leader has two important characteristics…

First, he knows where he is going;

Second, he is able to persuade other people

To go with him.

- Anonymous


A Friend is one who believes in you

When you have ceased to believe in


- Anonymous







Tuesday, June 01, 2021


Things must be felt

With the heart.

- Helen Keller


Expressing gratitude is a

Natural state of being and

Reminds us that we are all


- Valerie Elster


We can lift ourselves,

And others as well,

When we refuse to

Remain in the realm

Of negative thought

And cultivate within

Our hearts an attitude

Of gratitude.

- Thomas S. Monson