Friday, April 30, 2021



The human race has one

Really effective weapon,

And that is laughter.
- Mark Twain

Do not lose hold of your

Dreams or aspirations.
For if you do,

You may still exist but

You have ceased to live.
- Henry David Thoreau

All endeavor calls for the

Ability to tramp the last mile,
shape the last plan,

Endure the last hours toil.
The fight to the finish spirit

Is the one... characteristic we

Must posses if we are to face

The future as finishers.
- Henry David Thoreau

Thursday, April 29, 2021


It is very difficult to have a

Meaningful life without

Meaningful work.

- Jim Collins


The chances are that your job

Likes you precisely as much

As you like it, but no more.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Not everybody starts at the

Same starting line.

But through perseverance,

Hard work, determination,

Dedication, and willpower,

You can even things up

Pretty quickly.

- Bob Chapek



Tuesday, April 27, 2021

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The only thing a man can buy
on the installment plan, on which

His widow won’t have to finish

The payments after he dies, is


- Anonymous


Forgiveness does not

Change the past,

But it does enlarge

The future.

- Paul Boese



The subconscious mind

Is more susceptible to

Influence by impulses of

Thought mixed with “feeling”

Or emotion, than by those

Originating solely in the

Reasoning portion of the mind.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Just don't give up trying to do

What you really want to do.

Where there is love and inspiration,

I don't think you can go wrong.

- Ella Fitzgerald



Monday, April 26, 2021


See first that the design

Is wise and just;

That ascertained,

Pursue it resolutely.

- William Shakespeare


Never mind what

Others didn’t do.

It’s what you do

That counts.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


Too often we enjoy the comfort

Of opinion without the discomfort

Of thought.

- Robert F. Kennedy 




Friday, April 23, 2021


That which you hate

To be done to you,
do not do to another.
- Ancient Egyptian Proverb


What you don't do daily,

You probably won't do

Weekly either.
What you make a habit

Of putting-off just keeps

Getting pushed away

Again and again.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

When we hate our enemies,

We are giving them power

Over us…
power over our sleep,

Our appetites,
our blood pressure,

Our health,

And our happiness.
Our enemies would dance

With joy if only they knew

How they were worrying us,
lacerating us,

And getting even with us!
Our hate is not hurting them

At all,
but our hate is turning our

Own days and nights into a

Hellish turmoil.
- Dale Carnegie

Thursday, April 22, 2021

042221 Pass It On Down...

"Pass It On Down"

We live in the land of plenty
But many things aren't plenty anymore
Like the water from our sink
They say its not safe to drink
You gotta go and buy it at the store
Now we're told there's a hole in the ozone
Look what's washing on the beach
And Lord, I believe, from the heavens to the seas
We're bringing Mother Nature to her knees

Well there's a change taking place way on the mountains
Acid rain is falling on the leaves
And down in Brazil, the fires are burning still
How we gonna breathe without them trees

There's a place where I live called the Canyon
Where Daddy taught me to swim
And that water, it's so pure
And I'm gonna make sure
Daddy's grandkids can swim there like him

Now we all oughta feel just a little bit guilty
When we look into the eyes of our kids
'Cause brothers it's a fact, if we take and don't put back
They'll have to pay for all we did

So let's leave some blue up above us
Let's leave some green on the ground
It's only ours to borrow, let's save some for tomorrow
Leave it and pass it on down

Leave it and pass it on down...


Writer(s): Will Robinson, Randy Owen, Teddy Gentry, Ronnie Rogers


Monday, April 19, 2021


Don’t Be Less White,

Don’t Be Less Black,

Don’t Be Less Asian,

Don’t Be Less Hispanic,

Don’t Be Anything Less

Than What God Made YOU!


Please Stop Falling For

All The Constant

“Race Baiting” Narrative

We’re All Just People!

- Anonymous


In Life, It’s Important

To Know When To Stop

Arguing With People

And Simply Let Them

Be Wrong!

- Anonymous



Friday, April 16, 2021


Imagine, Dream, Reach,

Believe, Achieve…

- Anonymous


4 Golden Rules of

A Positive Lifestyle…


1) Before you assume,

Learn the facts.


2) Before you judge,

Understand why.


3) Before you hurt someone,



4) Before you speak,


- Anonymous


Turn your eyes upon Jesus,
Look full in His wonderful

And the things of earth will

Grow strangely dim,
In the light of His glory and


- Helen Howarth Lemmel



Thursday, April 15, 2021


All paths lead nowhere,

Follow the path with heart.

- Carlos Castaneda


Being in debt is hard.

Being financially disciplined is hard.

Choose YOUR hard.

- Anonymous


Race matters only

To racists.

The rest of us

Care about character.

- Anonymous



Tuesday, April 13, 2021


We have to let go of all blame,

All attacking, all judging,

To free our inner selves to

Attract what we say we want.
- Joe Vitale

To succeed...

You need to find something

To hold on to,

Something to motivate you,

Something to inspire you.

- Tony Dorsett


Keys to success...

Research your idea,

Plan for success,

Expect success,

& just plain do it!

It amazes me how many

People skip the last step!

Practice being a "doer" and

Success will follow you every

Step of the way!

- Josh S. Hinds



Monday, April 12, 2021


A ballplayer spends a good

Piece of his life gripping a

Baseball, and in the end it

Turns out that it was the

Other way around all the


- Jim Bouton


You’re not going to always

Hit a home run in life.

You’re going to strike out!

You’re going to walk to the

Dugout of life, frustrated,

While spectators chirp your

Name in judgment.

They’re afraid to even get

On the field, and you know it.

The fact that you get back up

There, unafraid, going after

That next home run,

Makes you the person you are.

- Ron Baratono


It’s the only way I think I’m ever

Going to walk away from the game,

Is to go ahead and say I’m going to,

And then I’ve got to.

There’s no turning back now…

Win, lose or draw.

- Bobby Cox




Thursday, April 08, 2021


Life is what we make it,

Always has been,

Always will be.

- Grandma Moses


The only way to do great work

Is to love what you do.

- Steve Jobs


If you want your life

To be a magnificent story,

Then begin by realizing that

You are the author and everyday

You have the opportunity to write

A new page.

- Mark Houlahan 





Wednesday, April 07, 2021


No matter how good you are,

You’re going to lose one-third

Of your games.

No matter how bad you are

You’re going to win one-third

Of your games.

It’s the other third that makes

The difference.

- Tommy Lasorda


Baseball isn’t just a game.

It’s the smell of popcorn

Drifting in the air,

The sight of bugs buzzing

Near the stadium lights,

The roughness of the dirt

Beneath your cleats.

It’s the anticipation building

In your chest as the anthem

Plays, the adrenaline rush

When your bat cracks against

The ball and the surge of blood

When the umpire shouts strike

After you pitch. It’s a team full

Of guys backing your every move,

A bleacher full of people cheering

You on. It’s…life.”

- Katie McGarry


It was one at bat during October

1975 that defined his [Joe Morgan’s]

Place in baseball history and secured

The legacy of the Big Red Machine,

All with one swing.

- Tucker Elliot





The Killing of Jesus: Part 2 - The Rest of the Story

Monday, April 05, 2021


The strength of the team

Is each individual member.

The strength of each member

Is the team.

- Coach Phil Jackson


Ability may get you to the top,

But it takes character to keep

You there.

- Coach John Wooden


Basketball is a beautiful game

When the five players on the

Court play with one heartbeat.

- Coach Dean Smith



Friday, April 02, 2021

040221 I Believe in Jesus...

I Believe In Jesus

I believe in the One they called Jesus,

I believe He stilled storm Galilee;

I believe that He walked on the water,

And I believe that He’s the answer for me.


I believe in the words of the Bible,

How He made the poor blind man to see;

I believe that the deaf ears were opened,

And I believe He’s made a difference in me.


I believe that He spoke to dead Lazarus,

And He said “unbind and set free;”

I believe that He reigns up in heaven,

And I believe that He is coming again.


Yes, I believe in the One they called Jesus,

I believe He died on Mount Calvary;

And I believe that the tomb was found empty,

And I believe that He’s the answer for me.

- Alton H. Howard




The Killing of Jesus: Part 1 - The Story Begins

Thursday, April 01, 2021


While I am flattered about the speculation

Of being enticed out of retirement,

I’m happy with life as a bad golfer!

- Chipper Jones


I never thought home runs were all that exciting.

I still think the triple is the most exciting thing

In baseball. To me, a triple is like a guy taking

The ball on his 1-yard line and running 99

For a touchdown.

- Hank Aaron


There are four ways for a catcher to have a good day …
He can call a great game for his pitcher
He can throw runners out
He can block home plate
He can get some hits
Of course, they only matter if you win!

- Johnny Bench


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