Tuesday, February 16, 2021

021621 Don't Rely on "Go-Fund-Me" to take care of YOUR Final Expenses...

In November 2019, a  woman set up

a Go-Fund-Me campaign after her 

father's death, posting...

"Although my father wanted to make

sure we were taken care of, he was 

never able to nail down a life 

insurance policy. 

Funeral costs are expensive and every

little bit helps us to give him the send

off he deserves."

One month later, only $60 had been raised.


The truth is, crowd-funding only goes so

Far. With life insurance, you can know with

Certainty that if the unexpected happens,

Your loved ones would be financially




I Would Be More Than Happy

To Help YOU "Nail Down" a

Life Insurance Policy!

Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382






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