Monday, January 25, 2021


It is hard to fail,

But it is worse never

To have tried to succeed.

- Theodore Roosevelt


Duty is the most sublime

Word in our language.

Do your duty in all things.

You cannot do more.

You should never wish

To do less.

- Robert E. Lee


Never allow anyone to rain

On your parade and thus cast

A pall of gloom and defeat on

The entire day.

Remember that no talent,

No self-denial, no brains,

No character, are required to

Set up in the fault-finding business.

Nothing external can have any

Power over you unless you permit it.

Your time is too precious to be

Sacrificed in wasted days combating

The menial forces of hate, jealously,

And envy.

Guard your fragile life carefully.

Only God can shape a flower,

But any foolish child can pull it to


- Og Mandino



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