Sunday, January 03, 2021


Success is measured by pursuing

Your unique mission in this world

With a burning desire to make a

Difference and leave a legacy in

Order to be proud of the who I am

And what I stand for.

- Jared Yellin


If all the gold in the world were melted

Down into a solid cube, it would be about

The size of an eight room house.

If a man got possession of all that gold …

Billions of dollars worth …

He could not buy a friend, character,

And peace of mind, clear conscience

Or a sense of eternity.

- Charles F. Bunning


We are at our very best, and we are happiest,

When we are fully engaged in work we enjoy

On the journey toward the goal we’ve

Established for ourselves.

It gives meaning to our time off and comfort

To our sleep.

It makes everything else in life so wonderful,

So worthwhile.

- Earl Nightingale



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