Saturday, January 30, 2021

013021 quotes in honor of my precious mother Shelby Jean Childs...

It's not what happens to you,

But how you react to it that matters.

- Epictetus


Forget regret,

Or life is yours to miss.

- Jonathan Larson


The common denominator of success is in

Forming the habit of doing things that

Failures don’t like to do.

- Albert E. N. Gray


Death is both our greatest teacher

And a friend in disguise.

When we recognize that our time

Is limited, only then will we live with

The urgency required to discover

What really matters.
- John Izzo





Nick Saban after winning his record-breaking seventh national championsh...

Friday, January 29, 2021


“Winning isn’t everything,

But it sure beats anything

That comes in second.”

- Coach Paul Bryant


“I don’t know what class is,

But I can tell when one has it,

You can tell it from a mile away.”

- Coach Paul Bryant


"If you believe in yourself,

Have dedication and pride,

And never quit,

You’ll be a winner.

The price of victory is high

But so are the rewards."
- Coach Paul Bryant



Thursday, January 28, 2021


Winning isn't everything

But wanting to win is

- Coach Vince Lombardi

Nothing is impossible

To a willing heart.

- John Heywood

Success is loving life

And daring to live it.

- Maya Angelou



Wednesday, January 27, 2021


Every time you forgive, the universe changes;

Every time you reach out and touch a heart

Or a life, the world changes.

- William Paul Young


It’s the curiosity that drives me.

It’s making a difference in the world

That prevents me from ever giving up.

- Deborah Meier


It’s not about what I SEE for our future,

Or humanity;

It’s about what I DO for our future and


- Steve Maraboli



012721 Quotes in honor of Henry "Hank" Aaron of the Atlanta Braves

Trying to sneak a fastball past Hank Aaron

Is like trying to sneak the sunrise past a rooster.
- Joe Adcock


I looked for the same pitch my whole career,

A breaking ball all of the time.

I never worried about the fastball.

They couldn’t throw it past me, none of them.

- Hank Aaron


My motto was always to keep swinging.

Whether I was in a slump or feeling badly

Or having trouble off the field,

The only thing to do was keep swinging.

- Hank Aaron



Tuesday, January 26, 2021


Visualize this thing you want.

See it, feel it, believe in it.

Make your mental blueprint

And begin.

- Robert Collier


It doesn't matter if you try

And try and try again,

And fail.

It does matter if you try

And fail, and fail to try again.

- Charles Kettering

Have a heart that never hardens,

A temper that never tires,

And a touch that never hurts.

- Charles Dickens  



Monday, January 25, 2021


It is hard to fail,

But it is worse never

To have tried to succeed.

- Theodore Roosevelt


Duty is the most sublime

Word in our language.

Do your duty in all things.

You cannot do more.

You should never wish

To do less.

- Robert E. Lee


Never allow anyone to rain

On your parade and thus cast

A pall of gloom and defeat on

The entire day.

Remember that no talent,

No self-denial, no brains,

No character, are required to

Set up in the fault-finding business.

Nothing external can have any

Power over you unless you permit it.

Your time is too precious to be

Sacrificed in wasted days combating

The menial forces of hate, jealously,

And envy.

Guard your fragile life carefully.

Only God can shape a flower,

But any foolish child can pull it to


- Og Mandino



Saturday, January 23, 2021


Every man dies.

Not every man truly lives.

- Braveheart


Happiness is that state of

Consciousness which proceeds

From the achievement of one's values.

- Ayn Rand


Just as it is essential to know the

Difference between working hard

And working smart,

So we must understand the difference

Between creating something big,

And creating something meaningful.

- Philip E. Humbert, PhD.



Friday, January 22, 2021


The best way to make a

Difference in the world is

To start by making a

Difference in your own life

- Julia Louis-Dreyfus


If you believe you can

Make a difference,

Then you will make a


Believe in yourself,

Your family and your

Community and

You will win

- Lindsay Fox


What you do makes a difference,

And you have to decide what kind

Of difference you want to make

- Jake Goodall



Thursday, January 21, 2021


Life is too short to waste.

Dreams are fulfilled only

Through action,

Not through endless

Planning to take action.

- David J. Schwartz


Losers quit when they fail.

Winners fail until they succeed.

- Robert Kiyosaki


If I had stood at the free-throw line

And thought about 10 million people

Watching me on the other side of the

Camera lens,

I couldn't have made anything.

So I mentally tried to put myself in a

Familiar place.

I thought about all those times I shot

Free throws in practice and went

Through the same motion,

The same technique that I had used

Thousands of times.

You forget about the outcome.

You know you are doing the right things.

So you relax and perform.

- Michael Jordan 



Tuesday, January 19, 2021


When you win,

Say nothing.

When you lose,

Say less.

- Coach Paul Brown


Happiness is not

The absence of problems,

But the ability to deal with them.

- Charles de Montesquieu


A good follow-through is just

As important in management

As it is in bowling, tennis,

Or golf.

Follow-through is the bridge

Between good planning and

Good results

- Anonymous



Monday, January 18, 2021


The world is changed

By your example,

Not by your opinion. 

- Paulo Coelho


You can’t let praise or

Criticisms get to you.

It’s a weakness to get

Caught up in either one.
- Coach John Wooden


Stop acting as if life is a rehearsal.
Live this day as if it were your last.
The past is over and gone.
The future is not guaranteed.
- Wayne Dyer

Saturday, January 16, 2021


Posterity …

You will never know how much it has cost
my generation to preserve your freedom.
I hope you will make good use of it.
- John Quincy Adams

Patriotism consists not in waving the flag,
but in striving that our country shall be

Righteous as well as strong.
- James Bryce


We establish no religion in this country,

Nor will we ever. We command no worship.

We mandate no belief.

But we poison our society when we remove

Its theological underpinnings. . . .

Without God, there is no virtue, because there's

No prompting of the conscience.

Without God, we're mired in the material,

That flat world that tells us only what the

Senses perceive.

Without God, there is a coarsening of the society.

And without God, democracy will not and cannot

Long endure.

If we ever forget that we're one nation under God,

Then we will be a nation gone under.

- Ronald Wilson Reagan



Friday, January 15, 2021


You can have,

Do or be anything

You want.

- Joe Vitale


You can’t fail if you don’t quit.

You can’t succeed if you don’t


- Michael Hyatt


Repeat anything often enough
and it will start to become you.
- Tom Hopkins

Thursday, January 14, 2021


Those who are quick

To see their limitations

Generally are slow in

Seeing their opportunities.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation


The purpose of human life

Is to serve, and to show

Compassion and the will

To help others.
- Albert Schweitzer


You were not born a winner,

And you were not born a loser.

You are what you make yourself be.

- Coach Lou Holtz



Wednesday, January 13, 2021


Building a better you

Is the first step to building

A better America.

- Zig Ziglar


My father always told me,

“Find a job you love and

You’ll never have to work

A day in your life."

- Jim Fox


It's not what you've got,

It’s what you use that

Makes a difference.

- Zig Ziglar 





Tuesday, January 12, 2021


What you want to do

And what you can do,

Is limited only by what

You can dream.

- Mike Melville


At the end of the day it’s NOT 

About what you have or even

What you’ve accomplished …

It’s about who you’ve lifted up,

Who you’ve made better.  

It’s about what you’ve given back. 

- Denzel Washington


Try to make at least one person

Happy every day. If you cannot

Do a kind deed, speak a kind word.

If you cannot speak a kind word,

Think a kind thought. Count up,

If you can, the treasure of happiness

That you would dispense in a week,

In a year, in a lifetime.

- Lawrence G. Lovaski




Monday, January 11, 2021


Learn from the past,

Set vivid …

Detailed goals for the future,

And live in the only moment

Of time of which you have

Any control … now.

- Denis Waitley


It has been medically proven

That people with passion and

Dreams live 7-10 years longer

And have a much better quality

Of life than those who are just

Going through the motions.

What’s your dream?

- Marcia Wieder


Love is a force more formidable

Than any other. It is invisible …

It cannot be seen or measured,

Yet it is powerful enough to

Transform you in a moment,

And offer you more joy than

Any material possession could.

- Barbara de Angelis



011121 Coach Nick Saban quotes

Eliminate the clutter.
- Coach Nick Saban

Don’t look at the scoreboard.

Dominate your opponent for

60 minutes.

- Coach Nick Saban

The focus on the process of

Being champions never wavered.

- Coach Nick Saban


Saturday, January 09, 2021

010921 Huntin' Fish'n & Lovin' Every Day ...

Huntin, Fishin’ and Lovin’ Every Day

If I could make a living walking in the woods
You could bet I'd be sitting pretty good
High on a hill looking at a field downwind

If I could make a nickel off a turning 'em bass
Never worry about the price of gas
I'd be wheeling and dealing and sitting

there reeling 'em in


A huntin', fishin', and lovin' every day
That's the prayer that a country boy prays
Thank God He made me this way
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
Early in the morning and late in the evening
I'm getting red dirt rich and Flint River pay
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day


Well I'd get a little farm pond buzz
Sound of gravel when I back it up
And pulling the string on a nine

point nine two stroke Murphy

I love it when my baby wants to roll with me
Throws her boots on, climbs in a tree

Tuking her hair in my hat and she's ready to go
And we'd get to huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
That's the prayer that a country boy prays
Thank God He made me this way
Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
Early in the morning and late in the evening
I'm getting red dirt rich, Flint River pay

Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day
Well huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day

So while yall are up there.

Breathing in that dirty air.
I'll be down here knee deep in the Muckalee.
Huntin', Fishin', Lovin' everyday
I wanna see them tall pines sway
Y'all close them eyes
And lets go there in our minds

Huntin', fishin', and lovin' every day
That's the prayer this country boy prays
Thank God He made me this way
Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
Black coffee in the morning and Sprite 

 ... in the evening
I get red dirt rich and Flint River pay
Huntin', fishin' and lovin' every day
Won't you come along with me
Won't you come along with me
I know you'll wanna see
Huntin' and fishin' and lovin' every day

Writers: Dallas Davidson, Rhett Akins,

Luke Bryan, Ben Hayslip 



Friday, January 08, 2021


If you want to live a happy life,

Tie it to a goal, not to people or


- Albert Einstein


Where justice is denied,

Where poverty is enforced,

Where ignorance prevails,

And where any one class

Is made to feel that society

Is in an organized conspiracy

To oppress, rob, and degrade them,

Neither persons nor property will

Be safe.

- Frederick Douglass,


I never doubted not only that

I would get out, but also that

I would prevail in the end and

Turn the experience into the

Defining event of my life,

Which, in retrospect,

I would not trade…

- James Stockdale


Commenting on his 8 years

As a prisoner of war in Vietnam,

During which he was tortured

Over 20 times.