Tuesday, February 25, 2020

02252020 There Is Only One Reason to Buy Life Insurance

There Is Only One Reason to Buy Life Insurance
- Jack Dewald

There’s a crisis in this country of people being un- or under-insured. 
The majority of adult Americans do not own an individual life insurance policy, 
according to LIMRA International.
There really is only one very basic reason to own life insurance … 
because you love people and want to make sure that they are taken care of
financially if the worst were to happen to you. 
The bottom line … You buy life insurance to provide financial protection for
your family and, as the case may be, the business you have worked hard to create.
What if something were to happen to you? 
Don’t you want your family to be able to continue living in your home and enjoying
the life they’re accustomed to? 
And what about your children … don’t you want them to have the chance to go to college?
If you are at or near retirement, don’t you want your spouse to have income to live on in
his or her old age? 
And if you own a business, don’t you want your partners or successor to continue to run
a healthy business, not one financially crippled by the loss of a key person?
Who in your life would suffer financially if you were to die prematurely?
Don’t be another statistic of the un- or under-insured. 
Take the first step by checking out the information about the different types of 
life insurance that are available to find out which may be right for you.

Edited by Hayden Childs

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