Saturday, January 18, 2020


I do not think I am Kentucky basketball,
I don't think that. I'm in the seat temporarily.
If Kentucky basketball is about anybody,
It’s Coach Adolph Rupp.
- Coach John Calipari

Success is the best
Builder of character.
- Coach Adolph Rupp

I believe that good defense embodies
Seven cardinal principles …
Reduce the number of your opponent’s shots;
Force your opponent into low percentage shots;
Control everything within 18 feet;
Eliminate second shots; no easy baskets;
Point the ball on all Long shots;
And prevent the ball from going into the pivot man.
- Coach Adolph Rupp

If a coach is determined to stay in
The coaching profession,
He will develop from year to year.
This much is true, no coach has a monopoly
On the knowledge of basketball.
There are no secrets in the game.
The only secrets, if there are any,
Is good teaching of sound fundamentals,
Intelligent handling of men,
A sound system of play,
And the ability to instill in the boys
A desire to win.
- Coach Adolph Rupp

We feel that every boy that puts
On a Kentucky uniform just plays
A little better than he would in
One of another color.
- Coach Adolph Rupp

Adolph Rupp, known as the "Baron of the Bluegrass"
and "The Man in the Brown Suit," served as University
of Kentucky's basketball coach from 1931 to 1972. 
During his time at UK, Rupp earned an eighty-two 
percent win percentage, twenty-seven Southeastern
Conference titles, and four NCAA championships.

"Adolph Rupp and the RISE of Kentucky Basketball"
by Jame Duane Bolin, professor emeritus of
history at Murray State University.



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