Friday, October 04, 2019


Excellence is never an accident.
It is always the result of high intention,
Sincere effort, and intelligent execution;
It represents the wise choice of many alternatives …
Choice, not chance, determines your destiny.
- Aristotle

God did not put you here for your role.
Your purpose in life is not your job.
Why would God put your purpose in
Something you can lose.  
My purpose is to know Him and
Make Him known and that gives
Purpose to my role.
- Mike Linch

I guess most of us would rather not discuss
Cancer because we are all afraid we might be
Told we have it.
It’s hard for people to even say the word,
And that’s the first obstacle you have to
Overcome when you are diagnosed with the disease.
I think once you understand a little more about it …
I don’t mean it gets any easier …
But I think you give it more in-depth thought about
How you’re going to deal with it.
- Arnold Palmer

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