Friday, November 16, 2018


When you are grateful,
Fear disappears and
Abundance appears.
- Tony Robbins

The best way not to fail again
Is to be absolutely positive
That when you do it this time,
You’re going to do it right.
- Burt Reynolds

Consider the activity of two basketball players
Practicing free throws for one hour.
Player A shoots 200 practice shots,
Player B shoots 50. The Player B retrieves his own shots,
dribbles leisurely and takes several breaks to talk to friends.
Player A has a colleague who retrieves the ball after each attempt.
The colleague keeps a record of shots made.
If the shot is missed the colleague records whether the miss
Was short, long, left or right and the shooter reviews the
Results after every 10 minutes of practice.
To characterize their hour of practice as equal would hardly
Be accurate. Assuming this is typical of their practice routine and
they are equally skilled at the start, which would you
Predict would be the better shooter after only 100 hours of practice?
- Aubrey Daniels

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