Thursday, November 15, 2018


Count Your Blessings
Submitted by Jill Tibbels

Question …
As an American do you really realize what you have as
Versus the poorest of the poor in the Third World?  
Suppose you had to do these things …

Number one,
Remove the furniture in your home; leave a few old blankets,
A kitchen table, a wooden chair, and remember …
You’ve never had a bed.

Number two,
Throw out your clothes.  Each family member may keep the
Oldest suit, Dress, a shirt or blouse.  The head of the family 
May keep their shoes.

Number three,
No kitchen appliances allowed.  Keep a box of matches,
A small bag of flour, some sugar and salt, a few onions,
A dish of dried beans.  Rescue the moldy potatoes from 
The garbage can.  That's tonight's meal.

Number four,
Dismantle the bathroom, shut off the running water,
Take out the wiring and the lights and everything that's
Run by electricity.

Number five,
Take away the house and move the family into the tool shed.

Number six,
Note there are no other houses in the neighborhood,
Just shanties … for the fortunate ones.

Number seven,
Cancel the newspaper and magazines and throw out the
Books. You won't miss them since you are illiterate.
No radio or TV, either.

Number eight,
No more mail carrier, fire fighters, and government services.
The two-classroom school is three miles away.

Number nine,
No hospital, no doctor.  Closest clinic is ten miles away with
A midwife in charge.  Get there by bus or bicycle,
If you have one.

Number ten;
Throw out your bank books, stock certificates,
Pension plans, and insurance policies.
Your net worth is five dollars.

Number eleven,
Get out and start cultivating your three acres.
Try hard to raise $300 in cash crops, of which your landlord
Gets one-third and your money-lender 10%.

Number twelve;
Find a way for your children to bring in a little money,
So you have something to eat most days.  
However, it won't be enough to keep you healthy, 
So lop off 25-30 years of your life.

We do have it good, so work hard to make it even better. 

Zig Ziglar is known as America’s Motivator.
He authored 33 books and produced numerous training programs.
He will be remembered as a man who lived out his faith daily. 

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