Thursday, August 02, 2018

080218 Art Williams Quote

The key to winning in these United States,
Is what's inside a person?
It's your integrity.
It's your people abilities.
It's your character.
Number one, you've got to get excited.
Folks, I don't believe anybody will ever tell you anything
More important than this in winning these United States.
90 plus percent of winning in anything you try to do in
America today, you've got to be excited.
People in America won't follow or believe in a negative,
Dull, disillusioned, frustrated, cry baby.
People want people that are positive and excited and 
Enthusiastic and tough.
The greatest lesson …
The greatest definition I ever heard.
I thought about this 10 million times when I wanted to
Quit along the way of a winner.
This guy said, “Almost everybody in America can stay
Excited for 2 or 3 months.
A few people can stay excited for 2 or 3 years,
But a winner will stay excited for 30 years or however
Long it takes to win.”
If you want to win in these United States,
You got to be tough, and you can't quit.
- Art Williams

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