Thursday, June 14, 2018


Posterity …
You will never know how much it has cost
my generation to preserve your freedom.
I hope you will make good use of it.
- John Quincy Adams

Patriotism consists not in waving the flag,
but in striving that our country shall be
Righteous as well as strong.
- James Bryce

We establish no religion in this country,
Nor will we ever. We command no worship.
We mandate no belief.
But we poison our society when we remove
Its theological underpinnings. . . .
Without God, there is no virtue, because there's
No prompting of the conscience.
Without God, we're mired in the material,
That flat world that tells us only what the
Senses perceive.
Without God, there is a coarsening of the society.
And without God, democracy will not and cannot
Long endure.
If we ever forget that we're one nation under God,
Then we will be a nation gone under.
- Ronald Wilson Reagan

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