Friday, September 30, 2016


Show class, have pride, and display character.
If you do, winning takes care of itself.
- Coach Paul "Bear" Bryant

I admire an awful lot about Coach Saban.
It’s hard to define all of those things, but anybody that’s
In this business, the coaching profession is built on respect.
I have great respect for what he’s done and how disciplined
He is and the work ethic that he has, but I always think he
Does things right. He does things with class, he treats people
The right way. How can you not admire that? It goes way back
To the days he recruited me out of high school. He was the
Position coach, the recruiting area coach, that recruited me
To Michigan State.
- Coach Mark Stoops

Things don’t happen by accident … You don’t win a game,
A division or a national championship by accident.
You have to make it happen and you have to make it
Happen by what you do every day.
- Coach Nick Saban

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