Thursday, September 22, 2016


12 Reasons Smart Leaders Hire People Who Arrive Early

1. Being early means your mind is ready to learn.
2. Being early means your priorities are in order.
3. Being early means you are organized.
4. Being early means you have a plan.
5. Being early means you are prepared to execute your plan.
6. Being early shows respect to the leader who called the meeting.
7. Being early shows respect to your co-workers who are there 
to learn and get better.
8. Being early shows self-respect.
9. Being early models for new employees what is expected.
10. Being early makes your life easier.
11. Being early gives you more self-confidence.
12. Being early makes you more prepared for future assignments.
- Coach Pete Carroll
“Win Forever: Live, Work and Play Like a Champion.”

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