Wednesday, July 27, 2016


Getting to the top of the ladder is not the problem.
The most difficult problem is getting through the
Crowd at the bottom.
- Coach Bobby Knight

Highly Successful Leaders Fight for Unity … 
Success in the NFL depends on all parts of the
Organization working together to field a championship team…
The strongest, I firmly believe, are those that are the most 
Unified as an organization.
- Coach Pete Carroll

Clarity of Purpose … 
Many golfers never stop to think about why they play
The game. To win? To have fun? For social reasons,
Or for the challenge? For the exercise? 
Just as striving to become rich and famous often
Creates frustration and disappointment, few will ever 
Play professionally, and striving for perfection is a setup
For "failure". Know why you play the game and where
You find your satisfaction and joy in it.
- Dr. Philip E. Humbert

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