Thursday, July 14, 2016


It is not about the individual.  We are winning for our team.
We are winning for our university and for the greatest fans
In women’s basketball.
- Coach Pat Summit

You win in life with people.  It’s not about me.  I’ve never
Scored a basket for the University of Tennessee…
It’s all about the people you surround yourself with and
What they bring to the court, to the game, and to
Understanding it is a team concept and they have to do
It together.
- Coach Pat Summit

Look in the mirror and see yourself and challenge
Yourself to be the very best and to always do the
Right thing.  Never compromise your principles.
Never lower your standards.  Whatever it is you
Desire to do in life have the courage and the
Commitment to do it and do it to your absolute best.
And always, always know, you have to believe it to do it.
- Coach Pat Summit

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