Thursday, December 24, 2015


This is a good basketball (2015-16) team that will have
a chance in every game we play. We’ve got to teach them
winning time/situational basketball and the role that grit 
plays in this. It’s a process, and you can’t skip steps.
Time to get back to basics, and all that in the face of
playing a really good Louisville team. 
These are challenges that excite me.
- Coach John Calipari

If anything, it's trying to always be able to overcome the 
obstacles to continue to be that successful. That's what
is always on my mind, knowing what it's going to take, 
whether it's in recruiting, staff or internal attitude and 
chemistry, to be able to accomplish what we all want to
accomplish. But I know a day is coming where that standard
can't be met. You cannot keep that up. There's going to be 
some period of time ... where you're not at that level. If you
look at every coach's record, it's just not possible to sustain
that level of success all the time. The biggest difference in this
team (2015) and the last two years is this team seems to have
a little more want-to about them, they want to be great. Some 
of our teams here have been complacent … like last year;
I was disappointed in the way we prepared for the Ohio State 
game. We had too many people not happy at the Sugar Bowl
about having to practice and doing what we had to do. It was
a littlebit of a grind. These guys don't look at it that way. They're
excited to be in the playoff. They're excited to still be playing.
The attitude part, I like a lot better. There's a better disposition. 
That doesn't mean we're going to play well in the game or
anything else, but there's a better disposition and we're going
about it the right way.
- Coach Nick Saban

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