Thursday, December 31, 2015


If you want to live a happy life,
Tie it to a goal, not to people or things.
- Albert Einstein

If you don't know where you're going,
any road will take you there.
- Lewis Carroll

We can do anything we want to do if we
Stick to it long enough.
- Helen Keller

Wednesday, December 30, 2015


Life's like a box of chocolates,
You never know which one you'll get.
- Forest Gump  

I believe a little bit of success lies in everyone!
Will you be the one to deny that? Or rather be the
One who chooses to be guided by it?
I hope you choose as I do the latter!
- Josh S. Hinds

The more love that is given, the more love returns.
The more a helping hand is given, the more hands
are strengthened and empowered to help.
We can help each other to all be winners.
We can all have food, and jobs, and love,
And happiness.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie

Tuesday, December 29, 2015


Find ecstasy in life;
the mere sense of living
Is joy enough.
- Emily Dickinson

Your imagination is either keeping you
Stuck or leading you to new territory.
How are you using yours?
- Sandy Gallagher

There is a criterion by which you can
Judge whether the thoughts you are
Thinking and the things you are doing
Are right for you. The criterion is …
Have they brought you inner peace?
- Mildre d Lisette Norman

Monday, December 28, 2015


The Joy is in the Journey.
- Anonymous

Nobody cares how much you know,
Until they know how much you care.
- Theodore Roosevelt

Prevail over adversity.
Persevere in the midst of turmoil.
Passionately act upon your convictions.
Purposely walk into the day.
- Mary Anne Radmacher

Thursday, December 24, 2015

Merry Christmas 2015

Somehow, not only for Christmas but all the long
year through, The joy that you give to others is the 
joy that comes back to you. And the more you spend
in blessing the poor and lonely and sad, the more of
your heart’s possessing returns to you glad.
- John Greenlear Whittier

Merry Christmas 2015 to all of our family and friends
far and near. We miss you very much "Mom."
- Hayden & Lisa



This is a good basketball (2015-16) team that will have
a chance in every game we play. We’ve got to teach them
winning time/situational basketball and the role that grit 
plays in this. It’s a process, and you can’t skip steps.
Time to get back to basics, and all that in the face of
playing a really good Louisville team. 
These are challenges that excite me.
- Coach John Calipari

If anything, it's trying to always be able to overcome the 
obstacles to continue to be that successful. That's what
is always on my mind, knowing what it's going to take, 
whether it's in recruiting, staff or internal attitude and 
chemistry, to be able to accomplish what we all want to
accomplish. But I know a day is coming where that standard
can't be met. You cannot keep that up. There's going to be 
some period of time ... where you're not at that level. If you
look at every coach's record, it's just not possible to sustain
that level of success all the time. The biggest difference in this
team (2015) and the last two years is this team seems to have
a little more want-to about them, they want to be great. Some 
of our teams here have been complacent … like last year;
I was disappointed in the way we prepared for the Ohio State 
game. We had too many people not happy at the Sugar Bowl
about having to practice and doing what we had to do. It was
a littlebit of a grind. These guys don't look at it that way. They're
excited to be in the playoff. They're excited to still be playing.
The attitude part, I like a lot better. There's a better disposition. 
That doesn't mean we're going to play well in the game or
anything else, but there's a better disposition and we're going
about it the right way.
- Coach Nick Saban

Alabama - Christmas In Dixie (Audio)

Wednesday, December 23, 2015


It is Christmas in the heart that
puts Christmas in the air.
- W.T. Ellis

He who has not Christmas in his heart
will never find it under a tree.
- Roy L. Smith

There’s more, much more, to Christmas
that candlelight and cheer;  it’s the spirit of
sweet friendship that brightens all year.
It’s thoughtfulness and kindness, It’s hope
reborn again, for peace, for understanding,
and for goodwill to men!
- Anonymous

Tuesday, December 22, 2015


A rudderless ship and a purposeless person
Are eventually stranded on desert sand.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation

It is a fine thing to have ability, but the ability
To discover ability in others is the true test.
- Elbert Hubbard

The outer conditions of a person’s life will
Always be found to reflect their inner beliefs.
- James Lane Allen

Monday, December 21, 2015


I will honor Christmas in my heart
and try to keep it all the year.
- Charles Dickens

Only by giving are you able to receive
more than you already have.
- Jim Rohn

The very best thing you can do for the whole
World is to make the most of yourself.
- Wallace Wattles

Derrick Henry for Heisman

Saturday, December 19, 2015


Most beginnings are small, and appear trivial and
insignificant, But in reality they are the most
important things in life.
- James Allen

In our striving for "something better than we have
known," we should work for others' good rather
than for our own pleasure.
- Don Green

Whatever you believe about yourself on the inside
is what you will manifest on the outside. 
- Anonymous

Friday, December 18, 2015


Life is what we make it, always has been,
always will be.
- Grandma Moses

You can have whatever you want;
All things are possible when you put your
Focus on how you can and “Next” every idea
Telling you why you can’t.
- Bob Proctor

If you want your life to be a magnificent story,
then begin by realizing that you are the author
and everyday you have the opportunity to write
a new page.
- Mark Houlahan 

Thursday, December 17, 2015


Desire is the starting point of all achievement,
Not a hope, not a wish, but a keen pulsating desire
Which transcends everything.
- Napoleon Hill 

Don't wish it were easier, wish you were better.
Don't wish for fewer problems, wish for more skills.
Don't wish for less challenge, wish for more wisdom.
- Earl Shoaff

You can get stronger; you can get wiser; you can get better.
Remember that trio of words: stronger, wiser, better.
The winters won't change, but you can.
- Jim Rohn

Wednesday, December 16, 2015


Giving is the highest expression of our power.
- Vivian Greene

I can give you a six-word formula for success …
Think things through … then follow through.
- Eddie Rickenbacker

A duty dodged is like a debt unpaid;
It is only deferred, and we must come
Back and settle the account at last.
- Joseph Fort Newton

Tuesday, December 15, 2015


Creativity is a natural extension of our enthusiasm.
- Earl Nightingale

Don't be stingy with your encouragement.
Your words can be a catalyst for untold change in
The lives of others.
- Josh Hinds

I don't know what your destiny will be, but one thing
I know … the only ones among you who will be really
Happy are those who will have sought and found
How to serve.
- Albert Schweitzer

Monday, December 14, 2015


The world is a looking glass and gives back
To every man the reflection of his own face.
- William M. Thackeray

Whether you’re winning or losing, it is important
To always be yourself. You can’t change because
Of the circumstances around you.
- Cotton Fitzsimmons

I’ve never run into a guy who could win at the top level
In anything today and didn’t have the right attitude,
Didn’t give it everything he had, at least while he was doing it;
Wasn’t prepared and didn’t have the whole program worked out.
- Ted Turner

Sunday, December 13, 2015


The heart has eyes which the brain knows nothing of.
- Charles H. Perkherst

Love is not what we become, but who we already are.
- Stephen Levine

A man’s way of doing things is the direct result of the
Way he thinks about things.
- Wallace D. Wattles

Saturday, December 12, 2015


The key to happiness is having dreams.
The key to success is making your dreams come true.
- James Allen

The difference between the impossible and the possible
Lies in a person's determination.
- Tommy Lasorda

What we think, or what we know, or what we believe is,
In the end, of little consequence. The only consequence
Is what we do.
- John Ruskin

Friday, December 11, 2015

121115 JFK quote

If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a 
coup to overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA.
The agency represents a tremendous power and total
unaccountability to anyone.
- John Fitzgerald Kennedy