Sunday, November 29, 2015


Winning means you're willing to go longer,
Work harder, and give more than anyone else.
- Coach Vince Lombardi

Success is almost totally dependent upon drive
And persistence. The extra energy required to make
Another effort or try another approach is the secret
Of winning.
- Denis Waitley

We've had some really good RBs here, but this team needs 
Derrick Henry to do what he does making him as significant
a player as we've had. Every time he came to the sideline I
asked him (henry) if he was OK he said, 'I'm gonna win this game'." 
I'm not a run and play defense guy. I'm a score however you can
score and play defense guy.
- Coach Nick Saban
Comments following Derrick Henry 271 yards
and td vs. Auburn in 29-13 Iron Bowl win 11/28/15

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