Thursday, November 05, 2015


If you want your life to be a magnificent story,
Then begin by realizing that you are the author
And everyday you have the opportunity to write
A new page.
- Mark Houlahan

Success for everyone, in the end, is a decision …
A decision to act rather than wait,
A decision to learn rather than remain ignorant,
A decision to live with passion rather than with apathy,
And a decision to hope rather than despair.
- Tim Connor

The Boat of Commitment ...The Team-Boat …
The Boat that leaves the dock early and stays out on the water
Late into the night. If you don’t make a total commitment to whatever
You’re doing then you start looking to bail out the first time the boat
Starts leaking. It is tough enough getting that boat to shore with
Everybody rowing let alone when a guy stands up and starts putting
His jacket on.
- Coach Lou Holtz 

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