Wednesday, September 02, 2015


Happiness is not an accident.
Nor is it something you wish for.
Happiness is something you design.
- Jim Rohn

"I watched him (Coach Saban) on the sidelines in games.
His manner, his calm manner, it's all about focus," "He's very focused in what he's doing. He has people who back him with that. He expects his players to be focused as well. He's focused on his golf game ― very focused. You can see he wants to be the best player he can possibly be and that's the way he coaches and what he expects of his players. ... 
and he's had a pretty good track record for that."
- Tom Watson

This game is what this team has worked all off-season for. We've talked a lot about establishing an identity, and now is the time to create the identity of this team. We could say, `Are we going to play with a reputation of the Alabama teams of the past, or is this team going to create an identity of its own on being a dangerous team?' I don't think anyone is every really afraid of you until you become a scary team in terms of how you execute, what you do, the discipline you play with, the grit that you have - which is the perseverance and passion that help you accomplish the goals. You become scary if you show the ability to stay focused on those things and do those things effectively and consistently over a long period of time, which is the entire season. I have been pleased with the way our players have approached things this fall. I thought we had good days of work on Friday and Saturday, and we still have a little extra time.
- Coach Nick Saban comments on opening season game vs. Wisconsin
in Dallas TX on Sat. Sept. 5th, 2015

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