Sunday, March 11, 2012


Everybody’s got to zero-in and focus on what we’ve got to do.
-  Coach John Calipari

Maybe now everybody realizes we’re not invincible, We’re like everybody else out there. We’re going to have to execute, Play hard and with some aggressiveness and intensity or we will get beat.
-  Coach John Calipari

Speaking of 1996, this is an exact script of what that National Championship team did… One non-conference loss early in the season. An undefeated run in the SEC. Entered the conference tournament and lost to an underdog in the Championship game, in New Orleans as the No. 1 team. You know the rest of the story.

Want to know something else? The last time Vanderbilt won the SEC Championship was in 1951. They beat a one-loss Kentucky team. You know what else Kentucky did in 1951? Won the National Championship.
It’s destiny.
-  Stuart Hammer

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