Sunday, January 08, 2012

Coach Saban quotes 010812

I don't think there are really any words to describe how proud I am of our players ...  I think we have a great football team, a great bunch of young men who have done a wonderful job and they have played some really dominant football on both sides of the ball.
-  Coach Nick Saban

It was a little bit special yesterday at practice for me, because this group has been - from the time we played Michigan State in the [Capital One] Bowl game last year and made a commitment to do the right things, do things in the right way, and I've been very pleased and proud.
And you always have a good association with a team that makes those kinds of commitments and tries to do the right stuff. And that's one of the things that we've been most proud of in terms of earning the right to have an opportunity to play in a championship game.
-  Coach Nick Saban

My message to the team is going to be to focus on everything that they need to do to play their best football. That's the goal. That's the objective. And I think to reassure players now at this point -- everybody's going to want to win the game when the game comes. To reassure them of the things that they need to do to be able to stay focused so they can execute, play with great effort, be a relentless competitor, and stay in that place of who they are so that they have the best chance to play their best game is really what we're focused on right now.
-  Coach Nick Saban

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