Friday, January 06, 2012


I don't want ordinary people, I want people who are willing to sacrifice and do without a lot of those things ordinary students get to do.
That's what it takes to win. -  Coach Paul Bear Bryant

He was simply the best there ever was. - Coach Bob Devaney, Nebraska

He wasn't just a coach, He was the coach. - Coach John McKay, USC

In many ways, American sports embody the best in our national character … dedication, teamwork, honor and friendship.  Paul "Bear" Bryant embodied football. The winner of more games than any other coach in history, Bear Bryant was a true American hero. A hard but beloved taskmaster he pushed ordinary people to perform extraordinary feats.
Patriotic to the core, devoted to his players and inspired by a winning spirit that never quit, Bear Bryant gave his country the gift of a legend.
In making the impossible seem easy, he lived what we all strive to be. 

- Ronald Reagan's remarks when awarding Presidential Medal of Freedom posthumously to Coach Paul Bear Bryant, February 23, 1983.

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