From the banks of Burcham Creek…
Today’s post is in honor of
My better-Half’s Birthday.
Happy Birthday…
I hope it is as special
As you are.
I am so blessed to
Do life with YOU!
These quotes are from
The March 6th archives.
- Hayden Childs
Love is smiling on
the inside and out.
- Jennifer Williams
Love that is true
never grows old.
- Elben Bano
Love is more than
A feeling;
it's a state of mind.
- Lisa Grude
The Magic of Love…
Love is like magic
and it always will be.
For love still remains
Life's sweet mystery!!
Love works in ways
that are wondrous and strange
and there's nothing in life
that love cannot change!!
Love can transform
the most commonplace
into beauty and splendor
and sweetness and grace.
Love is unselfish,
Understanding and kind,
for it sees with its heart
and not with its mind!!
Love is the answer
that everyone seeks...
Love is the language,
that every heart speaks.
Love can't be bought,
it is priceless and free,
Love, like pure magic,
is life's sweet mystery!!
- Helen Steiner Rice
It's the little things
You do that can make
A big difference.
- Bob Proctor
Nobody made a greater
mistake than he who
did nothing because
he could do only
a little.
- Edmund Burke
Successful people are
Simply those with
Successful habits.
- Brian Tracy
The quality and quantity
Of the service you render,
Plus, the attitude with
Which you render it,
Determine the amount of
Pay you get and the sort
Of job you hold.
- Napoleon Hill Foundation
Don’t get down on yourself.
Don’t beat yourself up.
It’s the next opportunity
that matters,
Not the previous one.
The previous one matters
Only in that you must
Learn from your mistakes.
But the next one gives
You the opportunity to
Show that you have learned
From your mistakes.
Keep trying until.
- Jim Rohn
Clutter isn't just the
Stuff in your closet.
It's anything that gets
Between you and the life
That you want to be living.
- Peter Walsh
Edited by H.C.
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