Thursday, November 25, 2021

112521 thanksgiving quotes

Today I choose to live with Gratitude

For the love that fills my heart,

The Peace that rests within my spirit

And the voice of Hope that says

All things are possible.

- Anonymous


Gratitude for what I have,

For who I am, for the God I know,

Injects joy into life, hope into faith,

Meaning into the moment.

- J. Randal Matheny


To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,

To enact gratitude is generous and noble,

But to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.

- Johannes A. Gaertner



Think, Choose, Do…


List five "negative" blessings

(Difficulties, sufferings, heartaches, sickness, etc.)

Which God has used in your life to show his goodness.

Remember significant people in your life to whom you

May still express your thanks.

Ask yourself for the next week…

"How can I be a blessing to someone today?"

- J. Randal Matheny



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