Tuesday, November 30, 2021


You can give without loving,

But you cannot love without


- Amy Carmichael


For a crowd is not company;

And faces are but a gallery of

Pictures; and talk but a tinkling

Cymbal, where there is no love.

- Francis Bacon


Do not keep the alabaster boxes

Of your love and tenderness sealed

Up until your friends are dead.

Fill their lives with sweetness,

Speak cheering words while their

Ears can hear, and while their hearts

Can be thrilled and made happier by


- Williams Childs



Saturday, November 27, 2021

112721 Coach Nick Saban quotes... ROLL TIDE ROLL...

We have an opponent in this state

That we work every day,

365 days a year, to dominate.

- Coach Nick Saban


It's a game that 365 days a year

Everybody has got to live with

The results.

- Coach Nick Saban


Don’t look at the scoreboard.

Dominate your opponent for

60 minutes.

- Coach Nick Saban



Friday, November 26, 2021

112621 Thank You Lord...


Thank You Lord…
I come before You today
And there’s just one thing
That I want to say
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
For all You’ve given to me
For all the blessings that
I cannot see
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
With a grateful heart
With a song of praise
With an Outstretched arm
I will bless Your name
For all You’ve done in my life
You took my darkness and
Gave me Your light
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
You took my sin and my shame
You took my sickness and
Healed all my pain
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
I just wanna thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
I just wanna thank You Lord
Thank You Lord
- Don Moen


Thursday, November 25, 2021

112521 thanksgiving quotes

Today I choose to live with Gratitude

For the love that fills my heart,

The Peace that rests within my spirit

And the voice of Hope that says

All things are possible.

- Anonymous


Gratitude for what I have,

For who I am, for the God I know,

Injects joy into life, hope into faith,

Meaning into the moment.

- J. Randal Matheny


To speak gratitude is courteous and pleasant,

To enact gratitude is generous and noble,

But to live gratitude is to touch Heaven.

- Johannes A. Gaertner



Think, Choose, Do…


List five "negative" blessings

(Difficulties, sufferings, heartaches, sickness, etc.)

Which God has used in your life to show his goodness.

Remember significant people in your life to whom you

May still express your thanks.

Ask yourself for the next week…

"How can I be a blessing to someone today?"

- J. Randal Matheny



Wednesday, November 24, 2021


I’m thankful for every moment.

- Al Green


The thankful receiver bears

A plentiful harvest.

- William Blake


Give thanks for a little

And you will find a lot.

- Hansa Proverb


Be Thankful…


Be thankful that you don't already have

everything you desire.

If you did, what would there be to look

forward to?

Be thankful when you don't know something,
for it gives you the opportunity to learn.

Be thankful for the difficult times.
During those times you grow.

Be thankful for your limitations,
because they give you opportunities

for improvement.

Be thankful for each new challenge,
because it will build your strength

and character.

Be thankful for your mistakes.
They will teach you valuable lessons.

Be thankful when you're tired and weary,
because it means you've made a difference.

It's easy to be thankful for the good things.
A life of rich fulfillment comes to those who

are also thankful for the setbacks.

Gratitude can turn a negative into a positive.
Find a way to be thankful for your troubles,

and they can become your blessings.


- Helen Dowd 





Tuesday, November 23, 2021


Joy is a heart full and a

Mind purified by gratitude.

- Marietta McCarty


If you are really thankful,

What do you do?

You share.

- W. Clement Stone


Not what we say about our blessings,

But how we use them,

Is the true measure of our thanksgiving.

- W.T. Purkiser





Glen Campbell

"Try a little Kindness"

Monday, November 22, 2021

112221 John Fitzgerald Kennedy...

For in the final analysis, our most basic common link, is that

We all inhabit this small planet; we all breathe the same air,

We all cherish our children’s futures, and we are mortal.

- John F. Kennedy


All of us have in our veins the exact same percentage of salt

In our blood that exists in the ocean, and, therefore, we have

Salt in our blood, in our sweat, in our tears. We are tied to the

Ocean. And when we go back to the sea … whether it is to sail

Or to watch it … we are going back from whence we came.

- John F. Kennedy


If the United States ever experiences an attempt at a coup

To overthrow the government, it will come from the CIA.

The agency represents a tremendous power and total

Unaccountability to anyone.

- John F. Kennedy



Saturday, November 20, 2021


The biggest thing is to

Focus on winning football.

Don’t get caught in all the


- Coach Nick Saban


We have a goal for how many

Explosive plays that we want to make.

We don’t want to make those explosive

Plays at the expense of making poor

Decisions that are going to turn into

Turnovers and interceptions.

Taking care of the ball and managing

The game is more important than that.

- Coach Nick Saban


There are two pains in life.

There is the pain of discipline

And the pain of disappointment.

If you can handle the pain of discipline,

Then you'll never have to deal with the

Pain of disappointment,

You play for your team and what your

Team can do.

You want your team to dominate so that

They can be successful.

You really want to win on your ability to

Execute, not on someone else's inability…

You don't really want anything bad to

Happen to the other team;

You just want your team to play well.

- Coach Nick Saban



Friday, November 19, 2021


Ideas are a dime a dozen.

People who put them into

Action is priceless.

- Anonymous


It’s not how much we have,

But how much we enjoy that

Makes happiness.

- Charles Spurgeon


Dare to dream,

But even more importantly,

Dare to put action behinds

Your dreams.

Your willingness to try is the

Difference maker.
- Josh Hinds



Thursday, November 18, 2021


The key to unlocking my

Potential is within me.

It is in the power of my

Thought, my vision and

My commitment.

- Anonymous


Most people reserve celebration

For some future "special day."
I choose to celebrate each and

Every day as a special day.
- Jonathan Lockwood Huie


Gratitude doesn’t change the scenery.

It merely washes clean the glass you

Look through so you can clearly see

The colors.

- Richelle E. Goodrich 




Wednesday, November 17, 2021


There is no substitute

For hard work.

- Thomas Edison

The price of anything is

The amount of life you

Exchange for it.

- Henry David Thoreau


You can’t control others’ acts,

But you can control your reaction

To their acts,

And that is what counts most to you.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation



Tuesday, November 16, 2021


The more tranquil a man becomes,

The greater is his success,

His influence, his power for good.

Calmness of mind is one of the

Beautiful jewels of wisdom.

- James Allen


At the end of the day it’s

NOT about what you have

Or even what you’ve accomplished

… It’s about who you’ve lifted up,

Who you’ve made better.  

It’s about what you’ve given back. 

- Denzel Washington


Often people attempt to live

Their lives backwards;

They try to have more things,

Or more money, in order to do

More of what they want so that

They will be happier.

The way it actually works is the


You must first BE who you really are,

Then, DO what you need to do,

In order to HAVE what you want.

- Margaret Young



Monday, November 15, 2021



Humor is man kinds

Greatest blessing.
- Mark Twain

Let love’s bright sunshine play upon your heart;

Come now unto your gladness, peace and rest.

Bid the dark shades of selfishness depart,

And now and evermore be truly blest.

- James Allen


To do good is noble;

To teach others to do

Good is nobler

And no trouble.

- Mark Twain











Saturday, November 13, 2021


Appreciation is the purest vibration

That exists on the planet today.

- Abraham Hicks


The smallest act of kindness is

Worth than the grandest intention.

- Oscar Wilde


No service is too small and none too great,

From the giving of a cup of cold water to

The laying down of one’s life.

- Anonymous



Friday, November 12, 2021


Our deeds determine us as much

As we determine our deeds.

- Anonymous


Good depends not on things

But on the use, we make of


- Anonymous


He that does good for good’s sake

Seeks neither praise nor reward,

But he is sure of both in the end.

- Anonymous



Thursday, November 11, 2021

11112021 Veteran's Day Salute...

Veterans Day Prayer


God of peace,

We pray for those who have served our nation

And have laid down their lives

To protect and defend our freedom.


We pray for those who have fought,

Whose spirits and bodies are scarred by war,

Whose nights are haunted by memories

Too painful for the light of day.


We pray for those who serve us now

Especially for those in harm’s way.

Shield them from danger

And bring them home.


Turn the hearts and minds

Of our leaders and our enemies

To the work of justice and a harvest of peace.

Spare the poor, Lord, spare the poor!


May the peace you left us,

The peace you gave us,

Be the peace that sustains us

Be the peace that saves us.

Christ Jesus, hear us!

Lord Jesus, hear our prayer!




- Concord Pastor



America’s Veterans have served their country

With the belief that democracy and freedom

Are ideals to be upheld around the world.

- John Doolittle


My heroes are those who risk their lives every day

To protect our world and make it a better place…

Police, firefighters and members of our armed forces.

- Sidney Sheldon


To honor our national promise to our veterans,

We must continue to improve services for our

Men and women in uniform today and provide

Long overdue benefits for the veterans and

Military retirees who have already served.

- Solomon Ortiz




 Some Gave All





Tuesday, November 09, 2021


Each day try to find some way in which

your work can be improved.

- Earl Nightingale


The man who has no goal who doesn't

know where he's going, and whose thoughts

must therefore be thoughts of confusion and

anxiety and fear and worry ...

becomes what he thinks about.

- Earl Nightingale


The best day, today;

The best play, work;

The greatest puzzle, life;

The greatest thought, God;

The greatest mystery, death;

The best work, work you like;

The greatest mistake, giving up;

The most ridiculous asset, pride;

The greatest need, common sense;

The most dangerous person, a liar;

The best town, where you succeed;

The most expensive indulgence, hate;

The greatest invention of the devil, war;

The most disagreeable person, the complainer;

The greatest secret of production, saving waste;

The best teacher, one who makes you want to learn;

The biggest fool, the boy who will not go to school;

The greatest deceiver, the one who deceives himself;

The worst bankrupt, the soul who has lost enthusiasm;

The cheapest, easiest and most stupid thing to do, finding fault;

The cleverest man, the one who always does what he thinks is right;

The greatest bore, one who keeps talking after he has made his point;

The greatest comfort, the knowledge that you have done your work well;

The most agreeable companion, the one that would not have you any

Different than you are;

The meanest feeling of which any human being is capable, feeling envious

Of another's success;

The greatest thing, bar none, in the world, love … love for family, home,

Friends, neighbors and for the and in which we enjoy our freedom.

- Earl Nightingale




Monday, November 08, 2021

110821 15 Signposts on the Path to Success...

15 Signposts on the Path to Success

People on the path of growth apply certain principles that allow them to achieve more and lead rich, rewarding lives. If you’re on the path to success, you are a different person than you were five years ago. You think differently. You act differently. You see the world differently. In short, you’re growing and evolving.

But unlike our physical growth, where we can clearly see and gauge our progress (or lack thereof), it is often difficult to measure our personal and professional growth. There is no simple test we can take to assess personal growth, but here are some “signposts” that we can use to gain insight into where we stand.

As you read through this article, measure your present situation against these signposts of personal and professional growth. Consider if you already embrace these ideals or how you might implement them on a more consistent basis.

1. Don’t Fix Blame or Make Excuses.

You realize more and more that pointing a finger at others is not the answer to your problems. Instead, you take personal responsibility for your own results and your own happiness. You focus on your attitude, your skills, your actions, and your discipline.

2. Don’t Look Back

Dwelling on unpleasant events in the past won’t change them and it only makes you feel rotten in the present. So why do it? Part of accepting personal responsibility is the recognition that, at any point, you can change the path you’re on. Learn from the past, but don’t obsess on it. Instead, take action today to create a positive future.

3. Guard the Sanctity of Your Thoughts.

You no longer doubt that your thoughts are creating your reality. And, if that’s the case, why would you ever think negatively? You’re disciplining yourself to focus on what you want — as opposed to what you don’t want.

4. Have a Sense of Gratitude Every Day.

When you’re young, you tend to take everything for granted your health, the roof over your head, and the food on your plate. As the years go by, you suddenly experience the “darker” side of life. Either you or your relatives or friends face serious illnesses. You personally know people in their 30s, 40s, or 50s who die. Instead of complaining about the things in your life that aren’t perfect, you choose to be thankful for the many gifts you’ve been given. You identify with the sage advice of Eddie Rickenbacker, who once said, “If you have all the fresh water you want to drink and all the food you want to eat, you should never complain about anything.”

5. Laugh a Lot More Especially at Yourself.

Several times each day, you find yourself letting out a hearty belly laugh. You take your work seriously but not yourself. Whether you’re with clients, colleagues, friends, or family, make sure to laugh. You’ll feel better and have a lot more fun.

6. Get Excited About Something.

When you’re living in the flow of life and up to your highest potential, you’re enthusiastic. You don’t have to go around slapping people on the back, but you’re upbeat and alive. You get up in the morning with a purpose, and you look forward to the day’s activities. People can just look at you or speak with you and immediately pick up on your positive energy.

7. Take Some Risks.

No one is asking you to go skydiving or put your physical health at risk. However, the path of growth demands that you venture into the unknown. That’s where you discover yourself and find out what you’re capable of achieving. You begin to get ideas and visions about great things you can accomplish, and you have the courage to go after them! Instead of just thinking about doing something, you take action and do it!

8. Be Less Concerned with What Other People Think.

Do you still need to get someone’s approval before making a decision? On the path to success, you’re willing to do what you think is best for you even if someone else won’t like it. On fundamental issues such as your career, your relationships, and your goals, it’s fine to get advice. But in the end, it’s your view that counts. You’ll never be happy following someone else’s plan for your life.

9. Place More Emphasis on Honesty and Integrity.

Even when no one is looking, you do the right thing. Your aim is to build solid long-term relationships, both personally and professionally, and you can’t accomplish this unless you’re a person of character and integrity. Aside from being good to others, this is for your own self-interest. You see, whatever you send out in life will come back to you like a boomerang. You know that for people to treat you with honesty and respect, you must treat them the same way.

10. Stop Trying to ‘Fix’ Others.

You’ve learned that a little self-development can be dangerous. While you’ve begun to see that there’s a better way to live and you’re anxious for others to “see the light” as well, you recognize that everyone has his or her own path to follow — and that you don’t decide the rate at which someone else progresses. So, instead of “converting” others, you continue to work on yourself and find that your example is more powerful than any sermon you can preach.

11. Take the Opportunity to Lift Someone Else.

You remember how tough it was for you at each level of your life and your career, and how challenging it is right now! Furthermore, you know that you are where you now are, in large part, because some people believed in you, encouraged you, and helped you. You make a point to do the same for those who can benefit from your experience.

12. See Things in Perspective
Your list of what’s truly important in your life continues to shrink. You work hard and enjoy whatever material comforts you have, but “things” are not as essential to you as they once were. You recognize that your health and well-being and that of your loved ones is what really matters. You no longer let little day-to-day annoyances (at work or at home) dictate the attitude, pace, or results of your day.

13. Listen More … and Ask Questions.

You’ve learned to tame your ego a bit and don’t feel the need to always be the center of attention. You realize that when you’re talking, you’re not learning anything. You balance your conversations and make sure to draw other people out by asking questions. You’re more interested in learning about their thoughts, ideas, and insights on various issues, their careers, and their families. Every person has a fascinating story to tell, and you want to hear it!

14. Discover That Discipline Is Fun.

You never thought you’d say that! Yet it’s true. To build physical fitness, you exercise several times each week. To develop a successful sales career, you pay attention to the basics, day in and day out. You’re no longer looking for the “quick fix” or “quick buck.” Instead, you know full well that you must put in the effort before you can reap the reward. You find tremendous satisfaction in sticking with something and mastering it over a period of time.

15. Set High Standards for Yourself and Others.

Careful, this isn’t about achieving “perfection.” Rather, on the path to success, you simply have the desire to reach more and more of your potential. You no longer settle for less than your best effort. And, as you see more of the potential in others, you encourage them to develop their talents as well.

These are 15 signposts on your road to personal and professional success. I’m sure you can add several more items as well, based on your own experiences. Keep these ideas in front of you on a regular basis to gauge your progress. Apply them consistently and you’ll enjoy phenomenal results  plus a tremendously exciting journey!

- Jeff Keller