Thursday, October 28, 2021


My reading of history convinces

Me that most bad government

Has grown out of too much


- John Sharp Williams


It is incumbent on every generation

To pay its own debts as it goes.

A principle which if acted on would

Save one-half the wars of the world.

- Thomas Jefferson


The strongest reason for the people

To retain the right to bear arms is,

As a last resort, to protect themselves

Against tyranny in government.

- Thomas Jefferson





Wednesday, October 27, 2021


Why not chase what some see

As impossible?

Why not believe in yourself?

Why not dare to be great...

Even if it means being different?"
- John Smoltz


It took me seventeen years

To get three thousand hits

In baseball. It took one

Afternoon on the golf course.

- Hank Aaron


You play the game to win

The World Series.

Cy Young's are nice,

They really are.

They're great and I'm proud

Of them...

But easily the biggest thing

I've accomplished is getting

That World Series ring.

- Greg Maddux 



Tuesday, October 26, 2021


I’m for the dreamers.

The only really important things

In history have been started by

The dreamers.

They never know what can’t be


Bill Veeck


The way I figured it,

I was even with baseball and

Baseball with me.

The game had done much for

Me, and I had done much for


Jackie Robinson


Life will always throw you curves,

Just keep fouling them off,

The right pitch will come and

When it does be prepared to

Run the bases.

Sara Ann Nielsen


Checkout Monsterbass Mad Max Topwater Popper

Promotional Video...




Friday, October 22, 2021


A person really doesn't become whole,

Until he becomes a part of something

That’s bigger than himself.

- Coach Jim Valvano 


How do you go from where you are

To where you want to be?

I think you have to have an

Enthusiasm for life.

You have to have a dream, a goal.

You have to be willing to work for it.

- Coach Jim Valvano


Cancer can take away all

Of my physical abilities…

It cannot touch my mind;

It cannot touch my heart,

And it cannot touch my soul.

- Coach Jim Valvano



Wednesday, October 20, 2021


The democracy will cease to exist

When you take away from those

Who are willing to work and give

To those who would not.

- Thomas Jefferson


I predict future happiness for Americans

If they can prevent the government from

Wasting the labors of the people under

The pretense of taking care of them.

- Thomas Jefferson


To take from one, because it is thought

That his own industry and that of his

Fathers has acquired too much,

In order to spare others, who

Or whose fathers have not exercised

Equal industry and skill,

Is to violate the first principle of

Association, ‘the guarantee to every one

Of a free exercise of his industry,

And the fruits acquired by it.'

- Thomas Jefferson



Monday, October 18, 2021

101821 In Loving Memory of Dixie Putman Allison...

Memory is a man’s real possession …

In nothing else is he rich,

In nothing else is he poor.

- Alexander Smith


A strange thing is memory, and hope;

One looks backward, and the other forward;

One is of today, the other of tomorrow.

Memory is history recorded in our brain,

Memory is a painter,

It paints pictures of the past and of the day.

- Anna Mary Robertson Moses 


We do not remember days;

We remember moments. 

- Cesare Pavese


Elvis Presley … Memories

Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine

Quiet thoughts come floating down
And settle softly to the ground
Like golden autumn leaves around my feet
I touched them and they burst apart with sweet memories
Sweet memories

Of holding hands and red bouquets
And twilight's trimmed in purple haze
And laughing eyes and simple ways
And quiet nights and gentle days, with you

Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine
Memories, memories

Of holding hands and red bouquets
And twilight trimmed in purple haze
And laughing eyes and simple ways
And quiet nights and gentle days, with you

Memories, pressed between the pages of my mind
Memories, sweetened through the ages just like wine
Memories, memories, sweet memories


Written By Mac Davis & Billy Strange



Friday, October 15, 2021

101521 Atlanta Braves quotes following their game with the Brewers sending the team to the NLCS...

 “These are the things that, when I’m done playing

hopefully a long, long time from now, I’ll be able to

look back and kind of remember this moment.

And it’s special. This is what you dream of when

you’re a kid. You really do, hitting a homer to clinch

a playoff. And for it to happen, it’s kind of amazing.

It really is. So kind of hard to put into words right now.”

- Freddie Freeman


“There wasn’t much going on (in his mind rounding

the bases). I was hoping I didn’t fall over. I had a lot of

cool moments in my career, but so far I think that’s

going to top them right there. But hopefully that’s not

the last cool one.”

- Freddie Freeman


“It was like the perfect ending. Unbelievable.”

- Brian Snitker


“I don’t think I’ve ever seen him emotional that before.

But who wouldn’t be that emotional sending us to the NLCS?

That’s so cool. I’m so happy for him to come up in that

big moment for us when we needed him the most.

He’s been there for us all year. What’s he played, like,

160 games, something like that? For him to get that emotional,

it fired us all up, honestly.”

- Travis D’Arnaud


“It’s very special to get a hit off Hader.”

- Eddie Rosario




Thursday, October 14, 2021


Set your goals high,

And don't stop till

You get there.

- Bo Jackson


The important thing is this…

To be able at any moment to

Sacrifice what we are for what

We could become.

- Charles Du Bos


Success lies in simplicity.

Are you doing the simple things

Better than everyone else?

These three "sets" will help you

Relate to others…

Skill sets, mindsets, and resets.

- Kevin LeGrett



Tuesday, October 12, 2021



Is not something

We do for other people

We do it for ourselves…

To get well and

Move on.

 - Anonymous

Faith that does not call

For sacrifice will never

Experience victory.

- Anonymous


One can have knowledge

Without having wisdom,

But one cannot have wisdom

Without having knowledge.

- R.C. Sproul



Thursday, October 07, 2021

100721 Steakhouse Soup Recipe...

Steakhouse Soup...


1-1/2 pounds beef stew meat, cut into ½ inch pieces

1-1/2 pounds red potatoes, cubed

1 12 oz. whole kernel corn

1 12 oz. sliced carrots

12 oz. beef broth

1 Cup of your favorite Steak Sauce

1 12 oz. coca-cola

1 cup water

1 medium yellow onion chopped

1 Tablespoon dried parsley flakes

1 Tablespoon chili powder

1 Teaspoon ground cumin

¼ Teaspoon cayenne pepper



Combine all ingredients in a 5-6 qt crock-pot

Cook, covered, on low 6-8 hrs or until steak

And potatoes are tender.