Tuesday, August 31, 2021


It is the greatest of all

Mistakes to do nothing

Because you can only do little,

Do what you can.

- Sydney Smith


Never worry about numbers.

Help one person at a time,

And always start with the

Person nearest you.

- Mother Teresa


When you live for the purpose

Of making a difference for the people,

For society, for the things that are

Beyond you, then significance will

Not be able to elude you.

- Sunday Adelaja




Saturday, August 28, 2021


To worry about tomorrow

Is to fail of devotion to the

Tasks of today,

And so to spoil both days.

- Hyde


Take plenty of time to

Count your blessings,

But never spend a

Minute in worry.

- Anonymous


Blessed is the man who

Is too busy to worry in

The daytime,

And too sleepy at night.

- Riney



Friday, August 27, 2021


Nobody ever procrastinated

Their way to the top.

- Anonymous


The world needs dreamers

And the world needs doers.

But above all,
The world needs dreamers

Who do. 
- Sarah Ban Breathnack


Instead of complaining about what

You don’t like about your job,

Start commending what you do like

And see how quickly it improves.

- Napoleon Hill Foundation 






Thursday, August 26, 2021


People may hear your words,

But they feel your attitude.

- John Maxwell


Everything you do and every

Decision you make should be

From a place of good.

You should always be striving

To make the world a better place.

- Les Brown


When you reach the

End of your rope,

Tie a knot in it and

Hang on.

- Franklin D. Roosevelt




Wednesday, August 25, 2021


Life is the movie you see

Through your own eyes.

It makes little difference

What’s happening out there.

It’s how you take it that counts.

- Denis Waitley


You never really

Understand a person
until you consider things

From his/her point of view.
- Harper Lee


The secret of success in life

Is for a man/woman to be

Ready for his/her

Opportunity when it comes.
- Earl of Beaconsfield





Tuesday, August 24, 2021


We all have dreams. 

But in order to make

Dreams come into reality,

It takes an awful lot of

Determination, dedication,

Self-discipline and effort.

- Jesse Owens


You're only here for a short visit.
Don't hurry. Don't worry.
And be sure to smell the flowers

Along the way.
- Walter Hagen

The individual who wants to reach

The top in business must appreciate

The might and force of habit.

He must be quick to break those habits

That can break him…

And hasten to adopt those practices that

Will become the habits that help him

Achieve the success he desires.

- J. Paul Getty 




Friday, August 20, 2021


We don't stop playing because we grow old;
We grow old because we stop playing.
- George Bernard Shaw

If you wait for the perfect moment

When all is safe and assured,
It may never arrive.
Mountains will not be climbed,

Races won,

Or lasting happiness achieved.
- Maurice Chevalier

Love is always open arms.
If you close your arms

About love you will find that
You are left holding only yourself.
- Leo Buscaglia


Thursday, August 19, 2021


Words create impressions,

Images and expectations.

They build psychological connections.

They influence how we think.

Since thoughts determine actions,

There’s a powerful connection between

The words we use and the results we get.

- Nan S. Russell

Ambition is expecting the best of yourself.

Arrogance believes you are better than others.

Ambition is the desire to make a difference.

Arrogance is the belief that you’re indispensable.

Ambition is doing whatever it takes to accomplish

What you know you deserve.

Arrogance is thinking that the world owes you something,

And doing what you can to take it.

Ambition is disciplined and assertive.

Arrogance is pushy.

Ambition is responsible and respectful.

Arrogance is destructive and disdainful.

- Ralph S. Marston Jr.


Bad things do happen;

How I respond to them defines

My character and the quality of my life.

I can choose to sit in perpetual sadness,

Immobilized by the gravity of my loss,

Or I can choose to rise from the pain and

Treasure the most precious gift I have…

Life itself.

- Walter Inglis Anderson 



Wednesday, August 18, 2021


Each of us can make a

Positive difference if we

Commit ourselves to do so.

- Dr. Cornel West


There is no greater joy,

Nor greater reward than

To make a fundamental

Difference in someone’s life.

- Mary Rose McGeady


Never underestimate the valuable

And important difference you make

In every life you touch for the impact

You make today has a powerful rippling

Effect on every tomorrow.

- Leon Brown





Monday, August 16, 2021


Victory is sweetest when

You’ve known defeat.

- Malcolm Forbes


Without a plan,

There’s no attack.

Without attack,

No victory.

- Curtis Armstrong


Victory at all costs,

Victory in spite of all terror,

Victory however long and hard

The road may be;

For without victory,

There is no survival.

- Winston Churchill



Friday, August 13, 2021


Carpe diem.

Seize the day, boys.

Make your lives extraordinary.

- Robin Williams


Success is...
Knowing your purpose in life,
Growing to reach your maximum potential,

And sowing seeds that benefit others.
- John C. Maxwell


It’s not human nature to be great.

It’s human nature to survive,

To be average and do what you have

To do to get by. That is normal.

When you have something good happen,

It’s the special people that can stay focused

And keep paying attention to detail,

Working to get better and not being satisfied

With what they have accomplished.

- Coach Nick Saban



Thursday, August 12, 2021


Many baseball fans look upon

an umpire as a sort of necessary

evil to the luxury of baseball,

like the odor that follows an


- Christy Mathewson


You play the game to win

the World Series.

Cy Young's are nice,

they really are.

They're great and I'm proud

of them...

But easily the biggest thing

I've accomplished is getting

that World Series ring.

- Greg Maddux


Why not chase what some see

as impossible?

Why not believe in yourself?

Why not dare to be great...

even if it means being different?"
- John Smoltz 



Wednesday, August 11, 2021

081121 The Creed of Atheism...

Atheism’s creed is that there is no God,

Therefore no creation.

The cornerstone of this creed is evolution,

The only possible although implausible explanation

For the existence of all things.


Their cultic doctrine is drilled into the minds of our

Nation’s youth in our tax-supported schools from our

Universities and colleges down to the elementary

School level.


Was it overwhelming scientific evidence that led many to

Accept such teaching?


Not at all!


Sir Julian Huxley explained the real reason…


“I suppose the reason we leaped at the origin of species was

Because the idea of God interfered with our sexual mores.”


Read (Rom.1:18-32)


Dr. George Wald, a Nobel Prize winner and professor emeritus

Of biology is quoted in Scientific American…

“I do not want to believe in God. I choose to believe in that which

I know is scientifically impossible,

Spontaneous generation arising to evolution.”


- Ron Bartanen

Edited by H.C.


“When it comes to the origin of life on this earth,

There are only two possibilities creation or

Spontaneous generation (evolution).


There is no third way.


Spontaneous generation was disproved 100 years ago,

But that leads us only to one other conclusion…

That of supernatural creation.

We cannot accept that on philosophical grounds

(Personal reasons), therefore,

We choose to believe the impossible;

That life arose spontaneously by chance.”

- Dr. George Wald

Nobel prize-winning scientist from Harvard


Morality will be destroyed…

If there is no God, no absolute authority,

Then morality has no firm foundation.

If there is no God, there are no universal

Criteria for true and false, right and wrong.

Whatever ethics, justice, and law we develop

Are only relative to the values of those people at that time.


Evolution is founded on atheism…that is, life without God.

It denies that God exists or has any part at all in our world.

It teaches that we are utterly alone, struggling in the world

Where every man and woman must compete.

Hardly neutral in its implications, the concept of evolution

Has likely driven more people away from trusting God than

Any other idea.


“Scientists who go about teaching that evolution is a fact

Of life are great con-men, and the story they are telling May

Be the greatest hoax ever. In explaining evolution, we do not

Have one iota of fact.”

- Dr. T. N. Tahmissian

United States Atomic Energy Commission


- Cecil Hutson

Edited by H.C.



1 The heavens declare the glory of God;
And the firmament shows His handiwork.

Day unto day utters speech,
And night unto night reveals knowledge.

There is no speech nor language

Where their voice is not heard.

Their line has gone out through all the earth,
And their words to the end of the world.


- Psalm 19:1-4


Tuesday, August 10, 2021


The greatest mistake we make

Is living in constant fear that

We will make one.

- John Maxwell


If we are growing we

Are always going to be

Outside our comfort zone.

- John Maxwell


If you don’t have peace,

It isn’t because someone

Took it from you;

You gave it away.

You cannot always control

What happens to you,

But you can control what

Happens in you.

- John Maxwell


Thursday, August 05, 2021


Visualize this thing you want.

See it, feel it, believe in it.

Make your mental blueprint

and begin.

- Robert Collier


It doesn't matter if you try and try

and try again, and fail.

It does matter if you try and fail,

and fail to try again.

- Charles Kettering

Have a heart that never hardens,

a temper that never tires,

and a touch that never hurts.

- Charles Dickens


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Wednesday, August 04, 2021


Love and kindness are

Never wasted.

They always make a


They bless the one who

Receives them,

And they bless you,

The giver.

- Barbara De Angelis


You and I were put on

This earth to serve something

Greater than our narrow interests.

When our focus becomes

Self-centered instead of

God-centered we lose our greatest

Source of power.

Our God-given talents are meant

To benefit others.

- Nick Vujicic


In a world where very few

People care if you live or die,

There is a light that shines in

The distance.

It has a name that they call

Hope and it carries with it

People that never stop caring.

- Shannon L. Alder



Tuesday, August 03, 2021


Always show kindness

And love to others.

Your words might be

Filling the empty places

In someone’s heart.

- Mandy Hale


Down in their hearts,

Wise men know this truth…

The only way to help yourself

Is to help others.

- Elbert Hubbard


If we wish to truly experience

A life that makes an eternal

Difference, the power within

Us is not enough.

It is the power God offers

That matters.

- Dillon Burroughs




Monday, August 02, 2021

080221 Recipes...

Grilled Salmon

With Sweet Onion Relish

4 Salmon steaks

2 Large sweet onions (Vidalia)

1 Tablespoon sugar

1 Bay leaf

1 Sprig fresh thyme

1 Tablespoon balsamic vinegar


1. Grill salmon steaks 12-15 minutes, depending on thickness.

2. Sauté in olive oil until transparent. Add sugar and herbs.

3. Cook until mixture is caramelized. Add vinegar to taste.

4. Serve sauce over grilled salmon steaks

Note: Salmon may be broiled if a grill is not available.


Easy Peanut Butter Pie

1 (8 oz.) Package cream cheese softened.

½ Cup peanut butter

1 Cup powdered sugar

2 Tablespoons milk

1 Teaspoon Vanilla

½ (8 oz.) Carton whipped topping

1 Chocolate pie shell

¾ Cup fudge Ice cream topping


1. Mix first 5 ingredients with a mixer in a large bowl;

Blend in whipped topping by hand.

2. Spread ½ mixture in a pie shell;

Spread fudge ice cream topping on top.

3. Spread remaining mixture on top of ice cream topping;

4. Cover with plastic top of pie shell.

5. Freeze for 3 hours

6. Remove 1 hour before serving.


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"The grief is bad enough,

Don't leave the burden

To your family!"