Thursday, July 29, 2021


We rise by lifting others.

- Robert Ingersoll


No act of kindness

No matter how small

Is ever wasted.

- Aesop


Don’t hurry, don’t worry,

Do your best, and leave the rest.

- Anonymous




Wednesday, July 28, 2021


Believe with all your heart

That how you live your life

Makes a difference.

- Colin Brown


You don’t have to know a lot

Of things for your life to make

A lasting difference in the world.

But you do have to know the few

Great things that matter,

Perhaps just one,

And then be willing to live for

Them and die for them.

- John Piper


If there is richness and

Righteousness in us,

Then we can make a

Difference in the lives

Of others,

Just as key individuals have

Influenced the lives of each

Of us for good and made us

Richer than we otherwise

Would have been.

- Spencer W. Kimball




Monday, July 26, 2021


To make a difference

In someone’s life,

You don’t have to be

Brilliant, rich, beautiful,

Or perfect.

You just have to care

Enough and be there

- Anonymous


It’s about making a

Difference in people’s


Remembered or not,

Lived out in a small town

Or on the world stage,

The journey of relevance


- Marian Deegan


Majority of folks out there

Are trying to make a difference.

Don’t just make a difference;

Become the difference

- Ogwo David Emenike




Friday, July 23, 2021


God's got to come first.

You're family's got to come second.

And business has got to come third.

- Art Williams


What’s the primary difference

Between winners and losers?

The winners do it.

- Art Williams


If you cut open the winners in business

I see a heart of a champion.

And all these are competitors,

And they don't quit.

- Art Williams





Thursday, July 22, 2021


People who have goals

Succeed because they

Know where they're going.

It's that simple.

- Earl Nightingale

Every problem is a gift…

Without problems we

Would not grow.
- Anthony Robbins


Before success comes in any man's life,

He is sure to meet with much temporary

Defeat and perhaps some failure.

When defeat overtakes a man, the easiest

And most logical thing to do is to quit.

That is exactly what the majority of men do.

- Napoleon Hill


Wednesday, July 21, 2021


When you are grateful,

Fear disappears and

Abundance appears.

- Anthony Robbins


This would be a great time

In the world for some man

To come along that knew


- Will Rogers

Never give up on a dream

Just because of the time it

Will take to accomplish it.

The time will pass anyway.

- Earl Nightingale



Tuesday, July 20, 2021


To be prepared is

Half the victory.

- Miguel de Cervantes


All you need is the plan,

The road map,

And the courage to press

On to your destination.

- Earl Nightingale


Who are you now?

Who have you decided to become?

Make this decision consciously.

Make it carefully.

Make it powerfully.

Then act upon it.

- Anthony Robbins


Got Insurance?







Monday, July 19, 2021


Doing the right thing daily,

Compounds over time.

- John Maxwell


Take the opportunity to learn

From your mistakes…

Find the cause of your problem

And eliminate it.

Don't try to be perfect;

Just be an excellent example

Of being human.

- Anthony Robbins


Some people try to turn

Back their odometers.

Not me, I want people to

Know “why” I look this way.

I’ve traveled a long way and

Some of the roads weren’t paved.

- Will Rogers



Saturday, July 17, 2021


May thy ball lie in green pastures … 

And not in still waters. 

- Anonymous


What other people may find

In poetry or art museums,

I find in the flight of a good drive. 

- Arnold Palmer


Achievement is largely the

Product of steadily raising

One’s level of aspiration

And expectation.

- Jack Nicklaus


Great Golf Is Within Your Grip - Golf Made Simple, Inc



Thursday, July 15, 2021


Common sense ain't common.

- Will Rogers


We will never have true civilization

Until we have learned to recognize

The rights of others.

- Will Rogers


Communism is like prohibition,

It’s a good idea but it won't work.

- Will Rogers



Wednesday, July 14, 2021


Some of us will do our jobs well

And some will not,

But we will be judged by only

One thing … the result.

- Coach Vince Lombardi


If you work harder than somebody else,

Chances are you’ll beat him though

He has more talent than you.

- Bart Starr


The difference between

A successful person

And others is not

A lack of strength,

Not a lack of knowledge,

But rather a lack of will.

- Coach Vince Lombardi




Tuesday, July 13, 2021




1) Failures, mistakes, setbacks, delays, criticism negatively affect self-image … creates image of failure in specific life areas.


2) Failures, mistakes, setbacks, delays, criticisms have only or 

mostly negative meanings.


3) Feeling no responsibility for negative outcomes/setbacks.


4) Self-doubt – Feeling/believing “I can’t” – lack of faith.


5) Love for/Attraction to people, places, things, actions that 

get in the way of positive goals/outcomes.


6) Dislike/repulsion to tasks, people & places that support

help you achieve positive goals/outcomes.


7) Worry: Focusing on what’s not perfect/What “could” go wrong.


8) Blowing up the size/difficulty of goal oriented tasks/decisions.


9) Blowing up mistakes, setbacks & delays, criticisms 

(real or imagined).


10) Disaster thinking – Imagining the worst outcomes/effects.


11) Stress reactions in the body – destroys the ability of your

“vessel” to accomplish your desired outcomes.


These patterns are common to us all in areas where we are

not good at something and not great at something.


If you have not mastered a set of actions, look to these 11 

and you will see why.


Study this list …


As you ponder each one, you will grow to understand the 

limitations of many kinds of self-help in its ability to shrink 

the influence of these automatic, conditioned ways of 

thinking and acting.


You will see that these patterns are automatic.


They are ways of “being” that we learn throughout our lives.


Most of these patterns are NOT built into us from birth, at 

least not in every area of life.


They are learned.


- Mike Brescia




Monday, July 12, 2021


Live life fully

While you're here.

- Anthony Robbins


Focus on where you want to go,

Not on what you fear.

- Anthony Robbins


It is your decisions,

And not your conditions,

That determines your destiny.

- Anthony Robbins




Friday, July 09, 2021


The height of your accomplishments

Will equal the depth of your convictions.
- William F. Scolavino

To be capable of steady friendship

Or lasting love, are the two greatest proofs,

Not only of goodness of heart,

But of strength of mind.
- William Hazlitt


Our real duty is always found

Running in the direction of our
worthiest desires.
- Randolph S. Bourne


Thursday, July 08, 2021


No matter how tall the mountain is,

It cannot block the sun.

- Chinese Proverb


Keep love in your heart.

A life without it is like a

Sunless garden when the

Flowers are dead.

- Oscar Wilde


There will be obstacles.

There will be doubters.

There will be mistakes.

But with hard work,

There are no limits.
- Michael Phelps




Wednesday, July 07, 2021


When we do the best we can,

We never know what miracle

Is wrought in our life,

Or in the life of another.
- Helen Keller

Face your deficiencies

And acknowledge them;

But do not let them
master you.

Let them teach you patience,

Sweetness, insight.
- Helen Keller


I am only one; but still I am one.

I cannot do everything,

But still I can do something;

I will not refuse to do the

Something I can do.
- Helen Keller

Got Insurance?




Tuesday, July 06, 2021


Change is inevitable.

Growth is optional.

- John Maxwell


If you start today to do

The right thing,

You are already a success

Even if it doesn’t show yet.

- John Maxwell


You don’t overcome challenges

By making them smaller but by

Making yourself bigger.

- John Maxwell







Monday, July 05, 2021

070521 Adding This One Thing to Your Steak Will Make It 20 Percent Tastier...


Adding This One Thing to Your Steak Will Make It 20 Percent Tastier...

Cheyenne Buckingham 1/9/2019


We hate to break it to you, but you may not be cooking your steak correctly. 

Have you ever wondered how to prepare a steak so that you maximize its natural flavor? 

Maybe you’re that person that dumps a pile of seasonings or steak rub on the meat and

call it a day, but you may be missing one pivotal step that’s so simple: salting your steak.

With the help of two acclaimed chefs, we concluded that salt is the secret ingredient that

helps pulls all of a steak’s distinctive flavors out so you have an irresistible dish every single time.

We feel that the simple step of salting your steak the right way can make a world of difference to 

the final result. Once you learn how to salt a steak for maximum flavor, you’ll ditch those seasoning

bottles STAT.


How does salt make such a big difference in the flavor of steak?

“Salt enhances flavors in all foods,” says Vincent Olivieri, director of culinary development and

chef de cuisine at Fairway Market Café and Steakhouse.

 But how, specifically, does that apply to a hunk of steak?

“Salt releases moisture in the muscle [of the meat] and releases the natural flavors of steak,” 

says Tender Greens Chef and Vice President of Stores, Pete Balistreri.


When should you salt your steak?

Balistreri says to always salt your steak right before cooking.

“Salt will begin to cook the steak’s surface and release moisture from the muscle if salted too far

in advance. Ideally, we want to keep the juices in the steak by salting right before we cook,”

 Balistreri says. Olivieri concurs.


“It’s always good to salt a steak prior to cooking to dry the outside,” says Olivieri. “A dry steak

will give you a crispy sear.”


Can you overdo or under do the amount of salt you use on your steak?

“Absolutely! The thicker the cut, the more salt needed,” Balistreri says. “If you are cooking a 

thick rib eye or New York steak, you’ll need a little more salt than if you are cooking a thin 

skirt steak. When salting, it’s important to salt well above the steak and ‘make the salt rain.’ 

This allows for even coverage and avoids concentrated spots of salt.”

Olivieri says that when it comes to larger roasts, like prime rib, you should go heavy on the 

salt because the fat will absorb most of it and give you that crispy crust that everyone loves to eat. 

Who doesn’t want that?


OK got it, so it depends on the thickness of the steak. What types of steak call for less salt?

“If the Kobe Beef or Wagyu is a standard grilling steak, I would recommend slightly less on the salt,

as the fat will cause that beef to be very delicate,” says Balistreri. “For the standard certified 

grass-fed steak, it’s more about the thickness of the steak than the type.”

And if you’re using a tougher cut of meat, you might need to use a lighter touch.

“When dealing with a tougher cut, like something that requires a marinade, go lighter on the salt 

and heavier on an acid. Whether it be lemon juice, vinegar, or wine, leave the salt light until the end, 

and season to your liking,” says Olivieri.


Is there a specific amount of salt you use?

“I usually give a light sprinkling, making sure to cover all the meat. I’d say the most important 

aspect of salt application is the quality of your salt. At the Steakhouse, we use imported flaky 

French sea salt, Maldon Large crystals [of sea salt] are strictly used for finishing, adding that flavor 

and a crunchy texture,” says Olivieri


Wait, what is finishing salt, and why is it important?

“Just as important as seasoning the steaks right before you cook them; a great finishing sea 

salt larger than the kosher salt you use prior to grilling will make a world of difference to the 

finished experience. These finishing salts go a long way and should be used lightly. There are 

many types of finishing salts: smokey, spicy, sweet, and standard,” says Balistreri. This is an 

easy way to switch up the taste of steak if you’re into trying new flavors.


Recap: How to salt a steak like a chef

Both chefs provided a great deal of information, so let’s take a step back and review the key points.

You should salt your steak right before you throw it on the grill, as this will allow the juices to stay 

intact for optimal flavor. Thicker cuts of steak will typically need more salt than thinner cuts. 

The exception? A thicker steak that requires an already salt-filled marinade…you’ll want to cut back

the salt and swap in an acidic liquid such as lemon juice or wine. There you have it folks, your next 

steak just got 20 percent tastier, all thanks to the humble salt. Now, let’s fire up the grill!


Note: I have tried this and it works!
