Thursday, March 18, 2021


True champions are made

When no one is looking.

- Sign hanging in the Cincinnati Reds

Spring training clubhouse

Sarasota, Florida


Some people focus on what

They’re going through;

Champions focus on what

They are going to.

- Grant M. Bright


Champions in any field of endeavor

Always rise to the occasion.

Champions see what they can become

Rather than live in the past.

Champions view life as a self-fulfilling


- Reed Markham


Major life changes can bring everything

Into focus. The little things, simple acts of

Love, are more meaningful than ever. It’s

Time to protect those everyday moments

With life insurance. 


Hayden Childs

Alabama Licensed Agent

(205) 269-1382



Whole Life, Term Life, Accidental death,

Critical Illness (cancer, heart attack, stroke)

Renter's (contents) Medicare Advantage,

Supplements, Hospital Indemnity, Health,

Dental & Vision coverage.


The Grief Is Bad Enough,

Don't Leave The Burden

To Your Family!


I Still Make House Calls! 


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